To the voters of the Commonwealth of Virginia:


As a resident of the Sunny Golden State California, I envy
your swing-state status. Presidential contenders are crisscrossing your state
trying to get your vote. You also have a contentious senate race, one which
pits two former Governors vying for the opportunity to represent that Mother
State in the upper chamber of Congress. In California, aside from some crusty
incumbents who presume that they do not even have to run for reelection, the
only reason national candidates visit the West Coast is to raise some easy
campaign cash either from Silicon Valley of Hollywood celebrities. Your state
is central to the battle for the future of this country. Then again, where else
would one find politics so fraught with conflict and destiny but Virginia, the
same state where the British formally surrendered to the continental forces at
Yorktown, the same state where the Civil War began and then ended.

I have shared my sentiment before on this matter: George
Allen is your man. He has represented your state on a local and national level.
He served as your Senator once before, and the only reason he lost the election
was because he was running in 2006, a bad year for Republicans all around, tied
down with the dying brand of “compassionate conservatism” which hurt the GOP
brand of limited government and less spending. Still, Allen knows how to work
with the opposition; he has the stability of the military and the fiscal
solvency of the country in mind. He wants to protect the Bush tax cuts that
spur growth and enable economic recovery.

Governor Tim Kaine loves his country, too, and I know that
he loves Virginia, too;  however, he
endorses a vision of leadership that embraces tax increases on job creators. He
was the former Chairman of the Democratic National Committee, a party which has
titled further left since President Obama took office, a party which vocally
considered removing “God” and “Jerusalem, the Capital of Israel” from its
platform, the same party which ended up expanding the occasion and the subsidy
for abortion. In the final year of his gubernatorial post, Kaine attempted to
pass billion dollar tax hikes on the Commonwealth, which a bipartisan
opposition stopped. He views revenue increases and government power as the
answer to our country’s ills. Yet after four years of “hope and change” from
the President whom Kaine openly championed during his 2008 run, Virginians know
beyond any doubt that they will be sending a Senator who will repeat the same
four years of failed stimulus, government overreach, and higher taxes.

The matter of sequestering has arisen in this very close
campaign. The federal government originally pressed for a bipartisan commission
to create a compromise of spending cuts and revenue increases. Since they
failed to craft a final bill for full Congressional approval, a “sequester” of
automatic spending cuts to military and non-discretionary spending has been
slated to take place next year. Although I believe that the federal government
must consider cuts in every branch of government, including the military,
Governor Allen’s pledge to protect military jobs in Virginia while pushing for
entitlement reform is the correct approach, one that will keep Virginia
competitive yet infuse the country’s economy for greater economic recovery.
Austerity must focus on cuts, not revenue increases, since the United States
government does not have an intake issue, but a problem with spending and
allocating funds for the future.

Mr. Kaine does not understand this issue. He is a patriot,
no doubt about it, but his views and values do not reflect the greater good or
the better interests of this country. Instead, Kaine should be sequestered with
his like-minded liberals in a think-tank or a private interest group. His views
do not belong in Congress, which has already invested in spending, engaged in
frivolous fraud, and yet refuses to face the looming crises of unfunded entitlements
and national debt.

I know that I am just one voice from the West Coast appealing
to the Commonwealth of Virginia,  yet we
have in common a great deal of wealth derived from a Constitution based on the
Separation of Powers, limited government, individual liberty, and private
enterprise. Governor Allen respects these fundamental dynamics more effectively.

Governor Mitt Romney is breaking for the win in Virginia’s
presidential election. The former Senator is alike in will and skill with Mitt.
Come November 6th, please elect George Allen for the US Senate.
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