Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers has guts. She is not afraid to fight the culture war and win. That's one of the most important things that President Trump accomplished during his first term in office.

Yes, Republicans can–and should–fight the culture war, and yes Republicans can–and must–win the culture war.

Here is Wendy Rogers' latest email, preparing for her run for state senate next year. She points out the slow-moving societal and cultural decay which has become so commonplace in the United States. Why does the Left keep winning? Why do they get to keep pushing their lies on society as a whole, and the rest of the country feels compelled to go along with it?

Hi Arthur,

I'm Arizona Senator Wendy Rogers, Trump-endorsed Arizona Senator fighting to change the discussion and fight the woke Left. I need your help- to meet my goal with only a day left!

The Left changed the conversation in little ways. Remember when they created "Kwanzaa" to compete with Christmas? We laughed at them in the 90s, but then look now:

Their stupid fake holiday changed the conversation over time.

THAT is what patriots like us need to do. We need to change the conversation, move the Overton Window, so that future debates are made on our terms, not theirs. 

That is what I am doing, every day.
No more crazy woke things. No more Kwanzaa. No more "drag queen story hour". No more CRT. No more open borders. 

And no more stolen elections.

The media and the Communists hold us in contempt. They are out to stop me- so I need your help urgently!

Friday, I have a HUGE end of YEAR deadline!

This is the first time the media will see what I've raised. Let's shock and awe them!

I had a goal of $50,000 raised this month- and I only need $14,650 to accomplish my goal. Help me show the media and the RINOs the strength of our Movement! 

The Commies will continue if we don't stop it. Help me show the media and the Left that they won't steal our country!

Thank you so much,
Wendy Rogers, Lt Col USAF (ret)
Arizona State Senator
Arizona's 6th Legislative District
P.S. George Soros and the leftwing billionaires are going to target my district again with millions of dollars in attack ads like they did last time. Will you help me fend off the attacks by contributing before the end of this year?


Wendy Rogers is a retired member of the Air Force. Use of military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Department of the Air Force or the Department of Defense.
Copyright © 2021 Wendy Rogers for AZ Senate, All rights reserved.

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For the record, she calls out fake holiday Kwanzaa. She denounces Drag Queen Story Hour. She has just introduced legislation to ban the sex mutilation of minors. And she has been a vocal advocate for election integrity, both in Arizona and around the country.

Legislators need to get busy, like State Senator Rogers. There is no excuse for people to get elected on a conservative platform, but make no efforts to actually accomplish conservative goals.

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