

Now that the U.S. House has passed disaster relief for Hurricane Harvey, the Senate – under Mitch McConnell's leadership – will add an increase in the debt limit to the package.

Rather than openly voting for more debt with zero budget reforms, McConnell has decided to hide behind flood victims by tying his debt bill to their disaster relief.

McConnell is calling it a "clean" debt limit increase, but there is nothing clean about using Harvey aid to pass it. 

This is a dirty debt deal and it illustrates why Mitch McConnell should be replaced with a new Republican leader as soon as possible.

The relief funds for Hurricane Harvey can be passed on their own, but McConnell wants to have something popular in the mix to defend his effort to bury our country deeper in debt.

He has already given Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi everything they want on the debt limit and has more than enough votes to pass it separately, but that's not enough. He wants to hide his betrayal.


If you're tired of watching a Republican-controlled Senate pass liberal policies, now is the time to do something to stop it.

One of the most effective things you can do to help change the Senate is to support conservative Judge Roy Moore in the special election for U.S. Senate in Alabama.

Roy Moore is an outsider who has the courage to fight the massive spending, bailouts, and debt that are bankrupting our country. Moore has even vowed to oppose Mitch McConnell for leader if he's elected.

Click here to donate to Roy Moore's Senate campaign.

Nothing will destabilize Senator McConnell's standing as the Republican leader in the Senate more than giving him an embarrassing defeat in Alabama on September 26th.

If McConnell proves to be so toxic that his candidate can't win despite receiving $8 million in support from McConnell's super PAC, it will terrify every Senate Republican who is aligned with him.

Please help Roy Moore now while there is still time.

Thank you for standing strong for freedom. With your help, Americans will hold these feckless politicians accountable.

Ken Cuccinelli II
Senate Conservatives Fund
@KenCuccinelli / @SCF

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