The United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) has issued a number
of rulings scaling back the power of President Obama, who has unfaithfully
refused to execute the laws of the land while unlawfully issuing directives
through executive order.
United States Supreme Court

However, one of the most important SCOTUS rulings, Harris v.
, has blocked organized labor, particularly the public sector union
juggernaut, from forcing non-union members to pay dues to any union which
negotiates on their behalf.

Incidentally enough, the appellants in that case launched a
lawsuit against Liberal Democratic Governor Pat Quinn who (like Obama,) though
executive order required that all in-home caretakers pay dues to the Service
Employees International Union, since that labor collective represented all
in-home care workers compensated by state funds through Medicaid.

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker
The key appellant, Pamela Harris, who cares for an adult son
in her own home, resented having to pay dues to a union which lobbied for
policies and values which she disagreed with. She was right to be angry, and
her First Amendment rights have been upheld by the SCOTUS.

Hopefully, Illinois residents will not stop with this
federal victory, but consider the brave example of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker,
who without initial judicial backing, neither federal nor statewide, instituted
collective bargaining reforms to limit the political and financial power of
public sector unions.
Michigan Governor Rick Snyder

With SCOTUS, plus the reforms of Walker and Michigan Governor
Rick Snyder (and possibly support for right-to-work laws in Missouri), the
power of the public sector union lobby will be scaled back indefinitely.
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