For the first time in years, the United States is witnessing integrity fused with leadership in one-party government. Unlike the spending spree of Republican hegemony in Washington from 2002 to 2006, Governor walker has stuck to his pledge to balance the state budget and reduce the deficit. He has tamed the public unions and survived electoral uprisings and recall efforts against his long-term goals of limiting government and reinstituting prosperity in the Dairy State.

He maintained principled opposition, even when the Democratic caucus in the state senate fled for neighboring Illinois to prevent a quorum in passing the budget bill which would cut the budget and strip most public unions of their bargaining rights. With legal maneuvering to compensate for the opposition’s dereliction of duty, Governor Walker achieved necessary reforms to get Wisconsin back on track.

Governor Walker, have you considered running for President. Your integrity, your courage, your consistency to the key elements of fiscal discipline and limiting government are sorely needed, especially when Washington is sputtering along with a stalwart Democratic opposition in the United States Senate and an unqualified Chief Executive who refuses to lead his party, his government, or this nation through trying financial times, for which he is partly to blame.

Scott Walker for President!

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