This week, what's the scoop announced some interesting
, and what's my take on what's going on in
Rhode Island?

Rhode Island residents just cannot get a break, can they?

The business class is losing fast, and now the General Assembly
wants to divest all business interests with Iran.

Since when did engaging in foreign policy follies ever promise
relief for the hurting, the poor, the teeming masses yearning for freedom?

The General Assembly has engaged in preemptive strikes against
their own citizens for the past eighty years, claiming to be democratic, but in
fact demagoguing on every issue, on every value which would increase
productivity rather than engage citizens to flee their state.

Still, State rep. Mia Ackerman claimed:

This is a global bill with big implications. I was proud to join
with Attorney General Kilmartin, Senator Miller and my colleagues in the House who
passed this bill unanimously.

To read more, please visit here.
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