
Senators Bob Corker (R-TN) and Jeff Flake (R-AZ) are demanding that the tax reform bill include a trigger that automatically raises taxes in the future if tax receipts fall below projections.

This is a bad idea. Raising taxes is never a good policy, but this provision also adds complexity and uncertainty to the tax code that will limit its impact on economic growth.

Bob Corker and Jeff Flake want people to believe they're concerned about the deficit, but if that were true they would not have supported so many bills to increase the debt limit and increase spending.

If there is going to be a budget trigger, shouldn't it automatically cut spending which is the real problem in Washington?

The tax trigger should be rejected and the tax rates in the bill for individuals should be lowered so no American, regardless of where they live, has to pay higher taxes.

As we mentioned before, we also believe that any side deal to allow for the passage of health insurance company bailouts should be categorically rejected. This is something Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) promised the moderates in the Senate and it's a bad idea.

The only way to make health coverage more affordable is to repeal Obamacare's benefit mandates, which have forced Americans to buy things they don't want.

Please call the Republicans listed below and ask them to:

  1. Reject the tax hike trigger;
  2. Fight for lower tax rates so no American pays higher taxes; and
  3. Stop the Obamacare bailout deal

These senators are sympathetic to our views so please encourage them to stand strong in the fight for sound policies.

  • Tom Cotton (R-AR) – 202-224-2353
  • Ted Cruz (R-TX) – 202-224-5922
  • Joni Ernst (R-IA) – 202-224-3254
  • Ron Johnson (R-WI) – 202-224-5323
  • Mike Lee (R-UT) – 202-224-5444
  • Rand Paul (R-KY) – 202-224-4343
  • Marco Rubio (R-FL) – 202-224-3041
  • Ben Sasse (R-NE) – 202-224-4224

Thank you for doing so much to help us promote conservative policies in Washington. Your voice is needed now more than ever.

Ken Cuccinelli II
Senate Conservatives Action

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