Tea Party favorites are the flavor of the month in the Republican Party.
Rick Perry is fired-up and fed up, yet his misfired in debate after debate.
The candidate of the week per Ron Paul, Perry has waffled on issues and dismayed the high hopes of a disenchanted electorate.
Sarah Palin is still flying around the country, denouncing the President and trouncing his failed policies, yet she has failed to certify whether she will run for President.
She is a Tea Party favorite, but hardly a national treasure.
Independents do not like this woman. She is strident, not striking; fiery, but fails to fire up a nation still hoping for leadership, not just heated rhetoric and hype.
Presidents must honor their commitments to their previous consstituents, something that she failed to do as governor of Alaska. She loves writing books, making speeches, greeting folks, appealing to the common man.
Yet the common denominator remains — she can galvanize an already entrenched mass of angry voters. What about independents, moderates, and disenfranchised Democrats?
The Republican base is a faithful following, but not enough to force Obama out.
Republicans, please look elsewhere. Say no to Sarah Palin.