Rick Santorum, the final anti-Romney option following a spat of conservative upstarts, outlined his plan to save health care while combatting the evil encroachments of ObamaCare, while also taking pot shots at the legislation's precursor, the front runner's Massachusetts equivalent Romney Care.
Losing support among evangelicals, Santorum has been pulling the "saint" card, pushing family, faith, and freedom, although is legislative history would suggest a diminished respect for the last.
Instead of outlining a means for saving the country and her citizens from rising health care costs, Rick Santorum's attempt to salvage his dying campaign does not even save face for the former Pennsylvania Senator, whose paternalistic conservatism reviles former President George W. Bush's compassionate version. For a legislator who trumpets the rights of free people to make their own decisions, he does not justify the expansion of Medicare, the Department of Education, or the raising of the debt ceiling.