Former Senator Rick Santorum was the quintessential Washington Insider. He voted in lock-step with former President George W. Bush's Big Government agenda of Compassionate Conservatism, all the while promoting the expansion of the state in order to immorally advance the mores and morals of the American People.
Nevertheless, I commend the former Senator for maintaining his campaign. Just as "iron sharpens iron," so did the strident criticism of this more conservative alternative hone the skillful deft of a weak front-runner, who is now seasoned and emboldened to take on an embattled and embittered incumbent with no signature legislation or legacy to defend, but plenty of money and media allies.
I also respect Mr. Santorum's diligent care and attention to his youngest child. Placing the well-being of his daughter above a presidential campaign illustrates where his strengths lie: promoting the family and working in the private sector.