After Willie Brown was forced out of the state assembly because of term limits, he set his sight on the mayorality of San Francisco.
He ran "The City" for eight years. "It never rains down on Willie Brown" was the word on the street.
Then he was pushed out with Gavin Newsom taking over. The left-wing insanity of San Francisco is going to run this seat into the ground. Lo and behold, Brown is a guest columnist for the diminishing San Francisco Chronicle.
Gavin Gruesome, the pervert

What's really interesting is that he makes a clear appeal to the checks and balances of our constitutional republic, but at the same time he has embraced every left-wing, progressive tenet of governance, which is contrary to everything that he and most San Franciscans hold dear.
Yes, he will, Willie boy! Suck it up, buttercups!
For those of you who aren’t crazy about President Trump, the good news
as we wrap up his first year in the White House is how the courts and federal
bureaucracy have kept him from running the country completely off the rails.

That bureaucracy is getting drained faster than the progressive liberals in Washington can realize or keep up. The courts are another matter, however, and need to be confronted aggressively. Some of these federal judges defy common sense and jurisprudence, as they routinely strike down President Trump's executive orders on immigration and public safety, as though every move he makes is unlawful. What a pack of lies.
The bad news, for Democrats, is that he will serve out his term and run
for re-election. People hoping he’ll resign or be thrown out of office are

Of course he will run for re-election, and of course he will win. No one likes a loser, and with President Trump in the White House, everyone is feeling like a winner again, even if they rich liberals won't admit that Trump's economic policies have helped them get a whole lot richer.
One of the interesting twists of Trump’s first year is that the very
system he wanted to tear down coming into office has kept him from going down
in flames himself.

Wrong. The system he is tearing down is the very Deep State that was keeping Big Business, Big Labor, and Big Wall Street taking advantage of the vast majority of working people in the United States. One would think that the Democratic Party would stop doing the bidding of corporate cronies and actually care about the well-being of working class Americans. But let's face it: Democrats only care about more power, nothing more. Eight years of Barack Obama's horrendous administration proved that.
He can hurl all the insults and threats he wants at North Korea’s Kim
Jong Un, but the Joint Chiefs of Staff are not going to launch an attack. He
can call for criminal investigations into Hillary Clinton, but the FBI has yet
to respond. He can decry “fake news” as much as he wants, but the First
Amendment still stands.

The truth is that Trump has the commanded respect of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He is also the first President in a long time who is talking tough and carrying a big stick toward the maniacal Stalinist regime in Southeast Asia. Rocketman is learning the hard way that he is not going to get away with his international temper tantrums the way that his daddy did. Trump does not appease; he confronts. Deal with it!
Repealing and replacing Obamacare still needs congressional approval.
Even his tax plan had to go through rounds of horse-trading to make it more
palatable — to Republicans, anyway.

Of course it does, Willie. No one every challenged that. Did you also notice that Trump restored the DACA issue to Congress, since it was their job to permit or forbid any kind of amnesty or legal status for illegal aliens in the country.
That’s how the system of checks and balances works, and it is working
very well for Trump. But keeping Trump in check, if not in balance, is about as
far as it goes.

The Congress needs to be kept in check, folks! Not just the President. Also, Willie, where were you when Bracak Obama was out of control issuing executive orders with his phone and pen, pushing program and policies which the constitution did not give him power to do?
Robert Mueller’s investigation into possible collusion with Russia
during the 2016 campaign isn’t going away, but it seems unlikely to yield an
indictment of Trump himself.

There will be no indictment of Trump. There will be indictments of Crooked Hillary and the rest of the crooked phalanx of Democrats robbing the poor to feed the rich.
For all his daily displays of insensitivity and ignorance, Trump still
has solid support in most if not all the states that made him president, so
there’s no reason to think he won’t run again in 2020.
He's running for re-election, Willie. Get over it.
It is not a pretty picture, but even someone like Trump has a place in
our system. The sooner we Democrats accept that and concentrate on winning the
election ourselves, the better.
True. Good advice, and this is good advice for Republicans, who need to understand that they cannot continue to ride Trump's coattails for continued victory.
Willie Brown

Freelance Columnist

Isn't it telling that Brown does not reference himself as former mayor? Is he actually thinking about running again? I hope not. How sad indeed, that this politician's political career was swept away with the term limits and then the end of his tenure as chief executive of The City.
This man was the Speaker of the Assembly for 16 years, too, and what did he have to show for it? Now he's just an after-thought has-been poking fun at the President, who has done far more for this country in one year than the other three Presidents all put together.
Willie Brown, you are going down. All your hopes wrapped up in the wayward, lawless courts is going to dissipate, along with the corrupt bureaucracy filled with Obama holdovers. Just you wait!
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