Wow, this was fun.

The Southern Poverty Law (actually Hate) Center had to hand out a $4 million settlement for calling a Muslim reformer an "anti-Muslim extremist."

Now they are back against deliberately lying about me and MassResistance.

This "white nationalism" card is about as hollow as it gets.

Do they really think that anyone is going to buy this garbage.

How many times has the press, the radio, television, and every other source in between captured me in the presence and in cooperation with men and women of different races, colors, creeds, and nationalities?

This race card thing is so played-out, it's amazing that anyone takes the race card seriously anymore.

August 16, 2018
The California chapter of anti-LGBT hate group
MassResistance was formed in May 2016 by longtime anti-immigrant and nativist
activist Arthur Schaper. Now it’s added a white nationalist to its ranks.

It was formed by me, in that I wanted to step up and help the pro-family movement fight back in California. We are fighting a really hard war right now, but we are working on it from every level.
MassResistance, the anti-LGBT hate group based in
Massachusetts whose president, Brian Camenker, continually links homosexuality
to pedophilia, violence and disease and links trans women to sexual predators,
has been expanding its chapter base in recent years.

Yes, all of these statements are true. Sometimes, I have to wonder if the SPLC is covertly trying to help the pro-family cause. We are not ashamed to write the truth about homosexuality and transgenderism. Not one bit.
One of the most active chapters has been in
California, run by perpetual right-wing activist Arthur Schaper, a columnist
for and freelance writer based in Torrance, California. He splits
his time between cheerleading for President Trump, protesting against immigrant
protections and opposing LGBT people.

"Immigrant protections". More fake news, in that the site refuses to distinguish between those who enter the country legally, and those who break into our country illegally. Those individuals are illegal aliens, they are criminals, and not immigrants in the proper sense.

I do not believe in providing protections to illegal aliens. I believe that they need to return to their home countries and enter legally.

In July, Schaper led his MassResistance chapter to a
Dixon, California, city council meeting to show support for the city’s vice
mayor, who advocated for July to be considered “Straight Pride American Month”
as a counter to June being, as he referred to it, “LGBTQF-WTF month.” At the
meeting, a woman sitting with MassResistance reportedly shouted at a
14-year-old girl, who is gay, when the girl began to cry. “Fake tears!” the
woman shouted.

Again, would someone please tell me what I have done wrong? Would someone tell me where the fault or offense lies?

In a letter to the editor defending the Dixon vice
mayor a few days before the meeting, Schaper claimed:
“homosexual behaviors and transgenderism [sic] are
not normal albeit eccentric behaviors, but destructive and immoral practices
which harm children, destroy families, and undermine a sound and cohesive

YES. Thank you for sharing these remarks, SPLC! I stand by every remarks which I have shared.
California-based white nationalist and
self-proclaimed “traditionalist” Kenny Strawn took notice of Schaper’s
activities and announced in a July 30 YouTube video that he had joined the
California chapter of MassResistance, claiming Schaper as a good friend.
Furthermore, Strawn said, his own views align with those of Camenker, in that
homosexuality should never have been normalized and that abortion is murder.

Homosexuality should not be normalized. Abortion is murder.

The SPLC Hate Machine desperation grows deeper.

They want to smear me as a white nationalist, but not only is there no evidence, but I ended up exposing the left-wing elements that pretend to be right-wing.

Schaper has crossed paths with white nationalists

Schaper, who has said financial support from
MassResistance helps fund his activism, has engaged with other white
nationalists beyond Strawn. He  appeared
recently on the web-based radio show The Red Elephants, which bills itself as
“conservative” but has promoted white nationalist videos and interviewed
prominent white nationalist Jared Taylor, who runs the hate group American Renaissance

They are not conservative. You will notice that SPLC doesn't include the links to the debates. Why? Because it completely undermines the narrative they are trying to create, i.e. that I believe in any kind of racial supremacy.
Schaper, who has written for The Red Elephants
website, debated white nationalist Nick Fuentes on the show in March. Fuentes
is a podcaster who has made racist and antisemitic remarks. He spoke,
reportedly after Jared Taylor, at the 2018 white nationalist AmRen gathering in
Tennessee, but he has denied he’s a white nationalist because he says it’s a
term leftists use.

I submitted one article a long time ago blasting Congresswoman Judy Chu for hosting a town hall in another district besides her own. It was pretty sickening, I must say, and I offered to submit an article to the Red Elephants. I had no idea that they were committed to anti-Jew, anti-Zionist policies in those days.

I didn't know they adhered to racist, racialist narratives either. This is very sad. I have since then told them to take down my article from their site, but if they choose not to, it won't matter.

No weapon formed …

Schaper also debated James Allsup in May. Allsup, who
won an uncontested GOP primary in Washington state, is slated to begin a term
in December as a precinct committee officer in Whitman County. He attended the
Charlottesville Unite the Right rally in August 2017 and participated in the
Tiki torch march that included the chant “Jews will not replace us.” Allsup
also addressed an alt-right rally in Washington, D.C., in June 2017 that
included white nationalist speakers Jason Kessler and Richard Spencer.

So, this guilt by association through debate is just about all they have left. I denounced Allsup's racialist views as well as his approval for collectivist policies. SPLC is looking at another lawsuit, no doubt.
Schaper is also part of the nativist extremist group
We The People Rising, and has been disavowed by the local Republican party,
according to the L.A. Times, for his actions, which often involve disrupting
city council meetings in so-called sanctuary cities and shouting down
Democratic politicians.

I am a proud member of We the People Rising. Nativist" doesn't make sense, though. We have immigrants in our team, including Jesse Suave from Mexico and Jerry Thomas of the Philippines. There is nothing wrong with any citizenry in their own countries demanding the rule of law and the safeguarding of their nation's security and sovereignty.

No one has a right to table or destroy that. Will the SPLC condemn the presidents of Mexico for putting their citizens first?

In 2017, Schaper and fellow anti-immigrant activists
shouted down a Riverside speech by Senate leader Kevin de Léon with screams of
“anchor baby.” Schaper has also protested outside Democratic congresswoman
Maxine Waters’ office with a sign telling her to “go to hell.” The local GOP
pulled the charter of the Beach Cities Republicans, of which Schaper was
elected to a second term as the group’s president in fall 2016, saying that
Schaper’s “inappropriate activities” (disrupting meetings and intimidating
local officials) were the major reason for its actions, according to the L.A. Times.

I never said "anchor baby." I do have a wonderful sign telling Maxine Waters to "Go to Hell":

Schaper has also referred to sanctuary supporters as
“brown Nazis” and in April went to various town meetings in California in
communities considering opposing the state’s sanctuary stance, according to the
Orange County Register, which also noted that at these meetings, undocumented
immigrants were referred to as “disease carriers” and murderers and rapists
while antisemitic remarks were also made.

They are Brown nazis. They embrace racist, racialist, segregationist and socialist policies. Notice also the linguistic sleight of hand employed in the paragraph: "[U]ndocumented immigrants were referred to as "disease carriers" (many are) and murderers and rapists (illegal aliens do commit a disproportionate number of these crimes).

As for the anti-Semitic remarks, I have never heard anyone making those remarks, nor have I ever said such things. Another lie.

Bottom line

MassResistance is no stranger to controversy or
trolling tactics in its confrontational style of activism. But in the past, it
has remained focused solely on anti-LGBT issues. With its California chapter
leadership engaging in anti-immigrant protests and with a white nationalist in
its ranks who in the past has attempted to organize an anti-sharia protest, it
remains to be seen what direction the group will go.

At least the SPLC is starting to realized that MassResistance is not just a positive force, but a force to be reckoned with. They can't deal with the fact that they are no longer winning the media or the culture wars any longer.

They already had to pay out a massive settlement for defaming a Muslim. They are going to be facing more massive lawsuits very soon for smearing men and women of faith and conscience simply because they believe that natural marriage, life, and freedom matter.

In the meantime, let's celebrate that even when evil people seek to do evil things to others, their efforts fail:

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