Finally, after waiting two weeks, the Sacramento Bee published their story about me anothers who have protested illegal alien pandering politicians throughout the state of California, particularly in Southern California, and focusing on Ricardo Lara and Kevin De Leon.

Check out the article below, with my commentary to follow:

The letter begins with “Dear Corrupt Mexican” and ends with “hurry up
and die.” It’s signed “White Power.”
The words were typed on a note card and sent to Senate President Pro
Tem Kevin de León’s Capitol office earlier this year. His staff members put the
letter in a file now full of racist and threatening mail in the receptionist’s

I don't believe in sending people death threats. I may be uncivil at times, but I am interested in saving civilization, not destroying it.
Also, I don't respect calling American citizens by other nationalities. There is no point is saying something about someone that is patently untrue.
The Senate leader says backlash comes with the territory as an elected
official. Since his freshmen year in the Assembly, radical opponents
occasionally add derogatory ethnic slurs and references to their complaints, he
Since November, however, he and other politicians say it’s been more
frequent and hostile.

Well, if the state legislature thinks it's OK to tax working Californians without limit, or to undermine the rule of law with impunity and not care about the conseuences, there is going to be a back lash. What? Are the actually surprised to find that Americans, that California taxpaying citizens have had enough and are fighting back?
A stranger accosted Sen. Ricardo Lara outside Ella, a restaurant on K
Street, earlier this month and screamed profanities and racial epithets in his
face, he said. Sen. Holly Mitchell’s Los Angeles district office
representatives report getting a call once a month from someone who uses the
n-word to describe her or her staff members – something they said didn’t happen
before the election.
A fervent group of Trump supporters, who disrupt Democratic town halls
and other political forums in Southern California, called de León an “anchor
baby” and “illegal alien scumbag” at a Latino summit in May at UC Riverside,
where academics and community leaders gathered to strategize ways to fight
Trump’s agenda. The protesters continue to post YouTube videos of themselves
heckling politicians.

I would say that Leon is a scumbag. He is full of bile and filth, undermining our life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness here in the United States.
“In my mind there’s no doubt that Donald Trump has opened up this
Pandora’s box,” de León said. “There’s no question about it because he’s done
nothing as president of the United States to temper it down or heal the

Trump has united this country in an unprecedented fashion. The divisions come from the state legislature opposing our Constitution, federal laws, and the will of California voters.
As de León noted, racism against legislators is far from a new
“We dealt with it pretty much throughout my entire tenure,” said Fabian
Núñez, who served as Assembly speaker from 2004 to 2008. “The more high profile
you are, the more of these attacks you get.”
Yet from town halls to Twitter, threats and inappropriate communication
to legislators have increased since the start of the session in January, said
Debbie Manning, chief sergeant-at-arms for the California Senate. Last year her
team investigated about 200 total threats and inappropriate contacts with
legislators. Manning said the Senate sergeants have already surpassed that
number in the first seven months of 2017.
Her office doesn’t tally whether the threats or contacts are racially
motivated, although she said it’s clear that some legislators are targeted
based on their ethnicity more than others.
The Senate sergeants are tightening security at town halls and other
events. They conducted 16 security details at legislative events outside the
Capitol in 2016, excluding hearings and the pro tem’s events. So far this year,
they have done 25, Manning said.

They are also tightening up security at the Distict offices for state legislators.
See what happened to 11 of us when we dropped into Marc Steinorth's office last week:
“There’s an upswing in angry outbursts and angry behavior overall,”
Manning said.

Of course we are angry! We are tired of our elected representatives hating us and making us pay for their corrupt agenda
The Bee reviewed correspondence sent to de León, some of which is too
profane to publish. He received one letter sent in April from someone claiming
to be a “decorated U.S. Marine sniper” threatening to hunt liberal legislators
down like dogs.
“Not today, not tomorrow, maybe in 15 years when you feel safe, I will
be your worst nightmare come true,” the letter said.
The writer also bragged that there was no DNA or fingerprints on the
“Mexico looks like Mexico for a reason, señor. – TRUMP all the way!”
read one card sent to his office. Another letter suggests he join the late
farmworker rights activist Cesar Chavez in hell.

That is a strange line of attack. Cesar Chavez opposed illegal immigration! He would routinely call ICE to get rid of illegal alien farmworkers!
Arthur Schaper, wearing glasses and a “Make America Great Again” hat,
is a staple at rowdy Democratic town halls. At the UC Riverside event, he waved
his finger at de León and shouted “cities are for citizens!”

Absolutely! Proud movement for me to stand up to the corrupt State Senate President Pro Tem De Leon.
I wish that every citizen in the state of California woudld join me in the famous finger waving!
A Trump supporter who rejects the use of the word “undocumented” – he
insists on “illegal” – Schaper says the election served as a rallying cry for
the right.

“Trump has excited so many disaffected conservatives and angry citizens
in general,” said Schaper of Torrance. “More people are getting out there.
They’ve seen the damage that has been done to this country by eight years of
radical leftism from the Obama presidency.”

Yes! Yes! Yes!
Schaper says he isn’t racist, and denies having knowledge of racist
comments his group has directed at politicians. He’s affiliated with a number
of anti-illegal immigration and nationalist organizations such as We the People
Rising, American Children First and The Remembrance Project. He was recently mentioned
in a report on California’s “anti-immigrant lobby” published by the Center for
New Community, a pro-immigrant organization based in Chicago.

Notice that snide subtle aside "Schaper says he isn't racist."
Schaper isn't racist.
Check out the latest range of photos from Politicon:

Of course, at this point, I could have a Hispanic wife, black kids, and Asian grandparents, and people on the Left will still play the race card.
“We go (to public meetings) to ensure that Trump’s agenda is
continued,” Schaper said.

And not thwarted–and that men and women are not lied to about President Trump.
Trump ran his campaign on calls to erect a wall between the United
States and Mexico and make Mexico pay for it. He promised to tighten
immigration enforcement and deport undocumented Latino immigrants, whom he
referred to as rapists and drug dealers.
What is wrong with the above statement?
California, known for its immigrant-friendly policies and environmental
consciousness, is one of the most liberal states in the country and a natural
antithesis to the Trump White House. De León has sought the spotlight as a
leader of the “resistance” in the Golden State, publicly criticizing the
president’s actions and appearing on television programs as a voice of
De León introduced Senate Bill 54 at the start of the Legislative [sic: orthography error … legislative, small "l"] session in response to Trump’s deportation threats. The policy bans local and
state law enforcement from using their resources to help the federal government
enforce immigration violations against undocumented immigrants who have not
been convicted of a violent offense.

It's an affront to federal supremacy outlined in the United States Constitution. Our federal immigration enforcement officers have every right to work with local jails and state prisons to remove illegal aliens. The SB 54 shuffle will undermine the safety and security of all California residents. The Sheriffs of Los Angeles and other counties are vocally opposed to SB 54.
I wonder why the Sacramento Bee reporter refuse to acknowledge this …
About a dozen Trump supporters followed de León as he walked to his car
after the Riverside talk. They screamed “shame on you” and chanted “build that
wall,” the anger in their voices rising.

Yes! And I am proud that I was one of them!
“I have never seen such vitriolic hatred,” de León said. “You could
just feel it.”
Get used to it, you arrogant, lawless bigot!

Lara’s bills this year prohibit public employees from sharing
information with federal authorities about someone’s religion, nationality or
ethnicity, meant to curtail Trump’s promise to create a registry of Muslims.
He’s also working to ban local governments from contracting with private
companies that operate immigration detention centers, among other measures
aimed at protecting immigrants.

When did Trump suggest creating a Muslim registry?
Lara says he’s been subjected to racism since he was elected in 2010
and began introducing pro-immigrant legislation. He’s gay and the son of former
undocumented immigrants, both of which also draw hateful mail and comments.

Lara is another bigot who has shut the door of his routinely to visitors and to angry constituents of all backgrounds.
The same band of Trump supporters that followed de León in Riverside –
Schaper said they draw from a pool of more than 50 people – can be seen in
videos from Lara’s office or district events. As the November election
approached, he received a death threat that sergeants investigated.
Does the writer suggest that we are the ones sending the death threats? Uh, no we don't do that!

Lara expects disagreements over his policy perspectives. He believes
the behavior is an attempt to intimidate him from doing his work.

Yes! Every elected official is subject to pressure and outrage when they pursue hateful policies which are hurting working Californians.
“It gets tiring and nerve-racking,” Lara said. “This is what we get
confronted with because we’re doing the right thing and fighting for some of
the most vulnerable Californians.”
Núñez believes people have a predisposition to think the worst of
politicians of color.

Not at all. I supported Ted Cruz for President. He would ualiy as a "politician of color", I believe.
“Most people who aren’t people of color just assume you’re a crook or a
drug dealer,” Núñez said.

Is Fabian one of those? I wonder …
When he served as speaker, his staff called newspaper editors a couple
of times a week to ask them to remove racist remarks about Núñez in the
comments section of online stories. Núñez didn’t shy away from immigration
bills, but said he also got backlash when he wrote a bill about bathroom
cleanliness at schools.

Wow! Fabian as the state censor! Are you worried yet? I realize that California Democrats are not fans of individual rights, especiallly the First Amendment, but for them to go to such lengths to collude with newspapers to remove comments on-line–that is particularly disturbing.
Then Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger “brushed off” the volume of hate mail
Núñez received, said Steve Maviglio, who worked as Núñez’s deputy chief of
staff. So in 2005, Núñez’s staff printed out and copied thousands of emails and
letters to show to the governor.
“We printed them out to say, ‘You know what, it’s significant,’ ”
Maviglio said. “It’s a lot different being Austrian than it is being from

Was Nunez born in Mexico? NOPE! That's pretty racist coming from the chief of staff.
Mitchell said she was reminded of the world in which she lives in
December when Assemblyman Travis Allen inaccurately claimed that one of her
bills legalized prostitution. Social media exploded. “It went from I legalized
prostitution to direct racial comments, no question,” Mitchell said.

Her legislation made it impossible to arrest a child prostitute. Now johns and pimps can exploit these poor children and keep their identities hidden.
I agreed with the assessment of former state assemblyman David Hadley: there has to be a middle ground between an outright arrest and just letting a child prostitute go.
But what is it? Decriminalizing child prostitution is not the answer.
Her reactions to racism, inadvertent or blatant, vary.
“Every time I have to take a quick assessment: Will this lead to me
hitting this person in the face and going to jail? Will this lead to me
increasing my blood pressure and having a heart attack right here? Will this
lead to a meaningful dialogue?” Mitchell said.
A small body of research suggests that politics can ignite and embolden
racist behavior.

Wow! Surprise surprise! (NOT). No wonder men and women have a low regard of journalists these days. They act as if they have printed something profound or meaningful, when in fact they print redundant information or they lie.
Anti-immigrant policies and initiatives can trigger hostility toward
immigrants, according to a study on the health effects of societal events
published in the New England Journal of Medicine in June. Teachers also
reported an increase in bullying, harassment and intimidation of students whose
races, religions or nationalities were the verbal targets of presidential
candidates in the wake of the 2016 election.

Legal or illegal? Once again, the newspaper article refuses to distinguish. Another reason why the media is in such low esteem.
Schaper says he has been going to town halls for years, but now he
feels like he has a president on his side.

I don't feel it. I both know and believe it. It is a fact!

A half dozen people, including Schaper, went to de León’s district
office in May, as depicted in a video they posted online. They complained that
a flier in the window was written in Spanish and questioned a paper that
explained the rights of undocumented immigrants.
“Those are illegals,” Schaper said. “They don’t have rights.”

An employee said the office was closed. Schaper and others refused to
leave. After a California Highway Patrol officer arrived, Schaper unfolded and
held up a flag that said “President Donald Trump” and “Make American Great

Woot! Woot!

“This is Trump territory, folks, even in de León’s office,” Schaper
said. “This is our country.”

No complaints here!
Final Reflection

The Sacramento Bee reported, Taryn Luna, interviewed me looking for any trace of hate or bigotry. I did not give her any, because the desire to protect our nation, to put Americans first, to ensure the enforcement of immigration laws has nothing to do with race.
Notice how the writer tried to smear me as a racist. The race card is so overplayed, it's laughable. Now it's turning into journalistic malpractice.
I do applaud the Sacrament Bee for uoting me accurately. What they are likely to discover is that most readers agree with my views on illegal immigration.
Speaking of racism, Taryn Luna asked me a uestion in which she added: "According to demographic studies, Hispanics are going to be the dominant population in California."
"Dominant"? Is she suggesting that men and women of Hispanic descent are interested in taking over a state or a country? Does she think that all people of Hispanic descent think and believe the same things?
I also had to remind her that immigration from other countries, most significantly Asian countries, is growing and is edging toward extending beyond Latino immigration and population numbers. She apparently was not ready for a Trump supporter as a well-informed interview subject. 
I called her office today.
I asked her why she did not report on the racist remarks of the Brown Power summit at UC Riverside? The article focuses on the racism against California legislators, but what about the racism that they are perpetuating? How about the racist groups with which they affiliate?
Check out the videos below for a view into what I am talking about:
And this one:
Then there were the Brown Supremacy remarks from Armando Navarro:
How about ths video in which a city councilman calls members of the audience "white supremacists" for no reason?
And then there was that time when State Senator Ricardo Lara blocked citizens from a public meeting in South Gate:
The reported acknowledged that she wanted to get a wide array of the racist comments and the death threats sent to legislators.
But wait … what about the racism and the threats of the legislators and the elected officials toward all of us? She was willing to go after different pro-American and Immigration-enforcement groups because of one of two members who said something. But she gave De Leon a pass?
I thought that the press was supposed to hold elected officials accountable, not just carry water for them.
Nevertheless, in spite of the reporter's best efforts to smear pro-American and pro-enforcement groups like We the People Rising and American Children First, the comments and reports about me are accurate. The statements which I made are accurate, and I stand by the defense of my country, my flag, and the enforcement of our border and immigration laws.
Would love your thoughts, please comment.x