
We want you to know something right now: This campaign and this fight is NOT over, and we're going to fight this until every vote is securely in and counted.

The Democrats may be claiming victory, but that is complete nonsense. This campaign is far from over.

Rick needs to know if he has your support as we enter this new chapter of the campaign. We are in unchartered waters and your support at this exact moment is critical.

Yes, Rick! You have my support!
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Our campaign was outspent 5:1 in this campaign. The Democrats poured tens of millions into trying to defeat our campaign, not because they actually care about the future of the great people of PA-18 but because they just cared about sending a message to President Trump.

Arthur, this is NOT over, and we need ALL hands on deck right now.

Whatever amount you can afford to chip in, please do so right away.

Thank you so much for your support. We will keep you posted as soon as we have more updates.

Team Saccone

Yes, Rick! You have my support!
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