The La Opinion Editorial Board is wrong in the characterizing Governor and Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney as “arrogant out of ignorance”.

To view Latin America as a thriving arena for trade and peaceful diplomacy is neither condescending nor negligent. To demand an end to the cruel dictatorships of Castro and Chavez is both prudent as well as prescient. Chavez is forming alliances with Iran, an international pariah and state sponsor of terrorism. The Iranian mullahs are now four years closer to building a nuclear weapon, yet President Obama chose to meet with the talk-show hosts on “The View” and “The Late Show with David Letterman”.

As far as Romney’s attachment to “American Exceptionalism” is concerned, it is exceptional compared to the previous four years under the Obama Administration, in which the President went on an “apology tour” throughout the Middle East. He has alienated the United States’ one major ally in the region, Israel. His domestic policies have harmed our economy and diminished our recovery. We have an unprecedented and growing number of Americans in poverty and using food stamps.
Economic prosperity and domestic tranquility define American Exceptionalism, and Romney will bring back both.

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