Left-wing "academic" and Bernie Supporter Robert Reich has dived deeper into his Democratic Party delusions.

This beyond crazy.

He actually thinks that Democrats can stop the confirmation of Neil Gorsuch to the United States Supreme Court.

Check out his latest eblast through MoveOn.org

No Supreme Court pick for Trump (Watch now!)

Dear fellow MoveOn member,

On the heels of a major health care victory, Senate Democrats are uniting to deny Judge Neil Gorsuch a lifetime seat on the Supreme Court.1

Please watch and share my latest video with MoveOn. Trump doesn’t get to make a lifetime appointment to our nation’s highest court while there are significant and serious questions about the legitimacy of his presidency.

Here's one big reason that Democrats should be fighting like hell to block Gorsuch's nomination: Trump and his associates are the subject of a current criminal investigation by the FBI for possible ties to Russia and efforts to sway the November election.2

Please watch and share my latest video with MoveOn to help make sure that Democrats continue to fight like hell to block Trump’s (ultra-conservative) Supreme Court pick.
Thanks for all you do.
Robert Reich

First, he keeps peddling these Trump-Russia ties.

Then he claims that the US Senate should not confirm Gorsuch just because of the Democratic false narrative.


Besides, even if there are supposedly enough votes to stop this confirmation, the Republicans in the upper chamber are ready to go nuclear.

Then the Democrats will really be hard up to stop the Trump agenda.

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