I love reading a left-leaning columnist who summons his inner Ron Paul.

Rob, are you high? Or just mighty?

Frankly, this marijuana dispensary you visited sounds like a product of the state's still prevalent influence in the sale and distribution of the controlled substance. Nevertheless, I do respect the investigative journalism, of sorts, which you engaged in to check out the aftermath of medical marijuana in this state. Frankly, why should anyone be involved in discerning whether the product is being sold for legal or illicit purposes? Judging by the unique experience of your health visit to Venice, the line is getting pretty blurry between medicinal or recreational use in the state of California.

"The Gods Must be Crazy", huh? Honestly, the government is far more crazy, and we sure do not have to join them in the puritanical progressivism that is overcrowding our jails and impoverishing core public services. 2.3 million are incarcerated in American jails, many for non-violent drug possession. Even tele-evangelist Pat Robertson has come out endorsing the decriminalization of marijuana. Don't forget retiring libertarian-lite Congressman David Dreier, who openly declared that this country must rethinking the drug laws.

About the documentary mentioned in the editorial, "The House I Live In" sounds like a really provocative piece, but how about viewing the 1930's camp-flick "Reefer Madness'? I'm sure that once the voters in our country see how outrageous and politically motivated has been our country's attack on illicit drug use, that they will turn ever more toward repealing these draconian drug laws.

I think the Jewish Journal, like many of the periodicals in the Los Angeles area, should be pushing for "government just to lay off," but not just in the failed War on Liberty and Federalism . . . I mean "Drugs". Whether pot, or any other substance, has a medicinal value, our individual rights and liberties will have greater value when there is less state, sanctimony, and sanctions against individuals who suffer from a moral problem and a health problem.

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