Ms. Stella Mae Case of Playa Vista has passed away.

She was one of the last living legacies to connect us to the
veterans of the Civil War.

It is amazing and disturbing how many of our elderly are
passing away, carrying with them their direct knowledge of historical events
that helped shape this country and define the controversies which still engage
academics and polemicists in furious debate.

""Ms. Case was the long-lived daughter of John Harwood Pierce,
an Illinois youth who joined the Union army after two  previous attempts to enlist.

Imagine having a parent who witnessed first hand the shots fired
from one brother against another brother in a conflict which tested whether any
nation “engaged in a great civil
war, can long endure.”


 Not only did he
perpetuate a perpetual union of free man, but Mr. Pierce also suffered the
ignominy of “carpet-bagger” and educated freedman, former slaves who in many
cases were merely thrown of the plantations where they had endured crude
involuntary servitude, only to be arrested for vagrancy or lynched for their
skin color.

 And this man
fathered Ms. Stella Mae – at the age of 70! Like Father Abraham, Mr. Pierce was
certainly old and full of years.

I only hope that
someone took notes from Ms. Case before she passed on. Imagine the rich
accounts that she could have shared!

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