Wisconsin State Flag

The Wisconsin State Assembly just passed its own Freedom to Work Act, a fast-track bill which made it through the state senate on near party lines (one Republican crossed over and voted against it). Still, the vote in the Wisconsin State Senate was 17-15. Impressive.

I now understand why the bill was not only fast-tracked, but why it started in the state senate.

One staffer in the Madison statehouse, who refused to be identified, acknowledged that they presented the bill at this time because they had the votes for it.

In the state assembly, right-to-work supporters not only had the votes, but the assembly passed the bill by a 62-35 margin.

Imagine that: The Dairy State, where the Modern Labor Movement (and Progressive Movement) emerged, is now scaling back the unjust authority of labor unions over individual employees.

New Mexico State Flag

New Mexico

Yesterday (March5, 2015), the New Mexico state senate attempted to vote for its own right-to-work, bill, coupled with a minimum wage increase most likely to attract more Democratic votes.

That bill died along party lines, 18-22.

The New Mexico Senate minority leader Stuart Ingle achieved a floor vote, yet the majority pushed it back to committee, where  it will very likely die.

Unlike other states, New Mexico's state senate goes up for reelection as a whole every four years. The next election will be in 2016. If the right-to-work momentum stays in place, grows in force, then New Mexicans may champion the interests expressed by their very popular governor and get more Republicans into the NM state senate.

Until then, some prodding from lobbyists out of state, where RTW has already succeeded, may convince some Democrats to move out of the way and support worker freedom.

Where else is RTW in the works?

Kentucky State Flag


The Bluegrass State still has a Democratic Governor, and the Democrats still control the state house, but the state senate flipped Republican.

Instead of waiting for the state legislature, county leaders are proposing their own RTW reforms to attract businesses in their constituencies.

The Kentucky Attorney General has criticized this proposal, yet two former Kentucky Supreme Court justice have openly differed, arguing that indeed pro free market reforms are within the purview of county leaders. This legal argument is neither a new nor isolated stance, as the Heritage Foundation offered a sound and lengthy analysis supporting RTW at the local level, even if the state government does not pass similar legislation.

Missouri State Flag


Previous reports have articulated the fight brewing in Missouri over RTW, where Republicans expanded their supermajority status, but still must contend with a Democratic governor. The state assembly voted for the measure, but did not reach the two-thirds of support needed to overcome the governor's veto. The senate majority leader will not resist the legislation, but is not a strong supporter of it at this time.

With the growing momentum across the country for right-to-work, it looks like a few hiccups along the way will not prevent freedom for individual employees from getting its proper due. These reforms will help with necessary entitlement and anti-corruption reforms, too, as the end of forced unionism and forced dues will dry up the unjust, unethical funding streams to Democratic Party machines which have supported unions at the expense of businesses, individual employees, and entire cities and states.

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