Lara wanted to make it seem like he was not the biggest loser in the latest fight over SB1146.

So, he published this statement on his Facebook page:

With SB1146, we shed light on the appalling discriminatory practices
LGBT students face at private religious universities in California. As a gay
Catholic man, nobody has the right to dictate how I worship or observe my
religion. And no university should have a license to discriminate, especially
those receiving state funds. That’s why I will update my bill to ensure that
Title 9 universities disclose their exempt status publicly and require that
universities notify the California Student Aid Commission if a student has been
expelled due to their moral conduct clauses. These provisions represent
critical first steps in the ongoing efforts to protect students from
discrimination for living their truths or loving openly.

My God, does anyone not feel sick to their stomachs reading this rot?!
Students who choose to identify with disordered behaviors are not facing discrimination.
They are inviting the consequences, especially by forcing their disturbing behavior onto others.
This is the nullifying triumph of hurt feelings over reality.
I just can't resist  tearing about Lara's tearful, insipid stupid:
As a gay Catholic man,

There is no such perversion.
Men and women, if they honor the tenets of the Catholic community, or even bother to read a Bible once in a while, will not that marriage cannot be diminished to mean one man and many other men, or marriage of two women, or anything else.
This base attack on the basic element of our society is just plain OUTRAGEOUS.
And no university should have a license to discriminate, especially those receiving state funds. 

Universities discriminate all the time: It's called "the admissions process."
That’s why I will update my bill to ensure that Title 9 universities disclose their exempt status publicly and require that universities notify the California Student Aid Commission if a student has been expelled due to their moral conduct clauses.

This fool did not "update" his bill. He had to retract a key portion of it!
The moral conduct clauses were already made public–in the student handbooks, and the Manufacturer's handbook.
You can be sure that Lara, the good little gay Catholic school boy, does not read either.
These provisions represent critical first steps in the ongoing efforts to protect students from discrimination for living their truths or loving openly.

How about protecting the other 97% of students? How about protecting the rights and liberties of all of us?!
Living their truths. What is he talking about?!
Truth is one entity, not a plurality, Ricky!
 "Loving openly"

Homosexual conduct is not about love. It's abuse.
Could we please stop romanticizing this behavior?!
Final Reflection

Ricardo Lara is still on the run.
The Christian colleges may have called of their dogs, so to speak, but the grassroots pro-family activists are not going to stop.
SB 1146 is Stupid Bigotry writ large, and needs to be confronted, halted, and removed.
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