"Reverend" Jesse Jackson Called Darrell Issa's Conduct "Racist"
Yet Jackson compared to the Tea Party
to the slave-holding Confederacy 

a heated exchange between
Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa
(R-Vista) and ranking member Elijah Cummings (D-Maryland), Issa decided to
adjourn as IRS official Lois Lerner refused to testify, taking the Fifth, which
all but affirms that she is guilty of something, or at least hiding some
incriminating information.

Rep. Cummings then requested time to ask a question, but he
then developed into a series of talking points. Issa cut the mike, but Cummings
refused to be quiet, shouting “I am tired of this”, then launched into a
tirade, with camera shutters a fluttering to capture Cummings’s media come-on.

The Congressional Black Caucus then
issued a letter
to Speaker John Boehner, calling Chairman Issa “a disgrace”
and demanded that the California Congressman lose his chairmanship.

Even after Issa
, “Reverend” Al Sharpton continued to condemn Issa, saying that his apology was
not enough
, and Florida Democrat Debbie Wasserman-Shultz sensationalized
Issa’s cutting off the mike,
comparing it to the tyranny
on display in Venezuela and the Ukraine.

Cummings' behavior was disgraceful,
Not Issa's.


Then the “Reverend” Jesse Jackson commented on the little
committee tiff with a tweet

Congressman Darrell Issa's behavior was crude, wrong, racist
and mean towards Congressman Elijah Cummings. Do you agree?

Rev. Jackson wants to indict Issa for invidious

But what about Jackson? He has a history of uttering crude,
wrong, and racist remarks.

Following the Trayvon Martin murder case, in which the jury
granted George Zimmerman a “Not Guilty” verdict, Jackson commented about the
demonstrations and skirmishes of violence which followed:

There was this feeling that we were kind of beyond racism. That’s
not true. His [whose? Obama’s] victory has triggered tremendous backlash.

Yet barely four years ago, Jackson had to apologize after a hot mike caught him
saying that he would like to
"cut off his [Obama] nuts" . . . then: "Barack…he's
talking down to black people…telling niggers how to behave."


Jackson also neglected to mention that the white vote propelled
the junior senator from Illinois into victory.

“Duck Dynasty” patriarch Phil Robertson’s comments about his experiences living and working
with African-Americans, along with other comments which placed him on leave
with A & E,

These statements uttered by
Robertson are more offensive than the bus driver in Montgomery, Alabama, more
than 59 years ago. At least the bus driver, who ordered Rosa Parks to surrender
her seat to a white person, was following state law. Robertson’s statements
were uttered freely and openly without cover of the law, within a context of
what he seemed to believe was ‘white privilege.’

When Robertson returned to the
program, Jackson muttered, “I do not feel good about it.”

And yet barely a month proper, reported in the National
In November, 2013, Jackson frequently referred
to the United States as “The Land of the Free, and the home of the genocide”
followed by an outrageous anti-Tea Party tirade:

Those in the Confederacy sought to maintain the walls [of
slavery] and secede from the country, the shots fired at Fort Sumter – the
beginning of the Tea Party, the ‘Fort Sumter’ Tea Party, who sought to secede
from the Union, set their own government, their own currency, sought to ally
with France and Britain, to form their own country.

But the comment which followed was
particularly invidious:

Goldwater and Reagan – had they been successful,”
Jackson said, “it would have been illegal for blacks and whites to play
together on a Saturday afternoon. You couldn’t have had the Carolina Panthers
behind the cotton curtain playing the Atlanta Falcons . . . it would have
been illegal for them to even sit together.

And the Reverend is calling Issa and Phil Roberston racist?

Americans should not feel good about such comments coming from anyone,
especially a man who calls himself "Reverend".

again, Jackson felt entitled to call New York City
 ‘Hymietown while campaigning for the Democratic nomination for President in 1984.

(Hymie is an anti-Semitic slur)

Wonder why he lost the 1984 Democratic primary bid. . .

But at least no one should wonder about Jackson’s
double-standard on race-baiting and hatred.


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