The cult of equality is in full swing, and our schools are
suffering as a result.

Suspensions are up in California's public schools, not because of poor teaching, or because
of limited funds, but because of poor
parenting. Shackling teachers and administrators with less authority to hold
students accountable only hurts the student.
When pundits began arguing that education was a right, they
created a flood of problems for schools to tackle. Now that courts are getting
involved, now that parents can file lawsuits when they perceive that their
children are being discriminated against, there seems little hope left for
teachers to deal with unruly students.
The reason why most minority youth contend with less-experienced
teachers is that most teachers eventually quit the profession after their first or second year. They are
not give adequate training in classroom management because their teaching credential instructors, like
politicians and activists, have given in to the cult of equality, which forces
educators to pity youth instead of hold them accountable, regardless of their
race or ethnic background.

Part of education includes adequate discipline, responding effectively to
studentsconsistently for poor conduct. School districts cannot be blamed
because they are trying to create learning communities that are safe and sound
for their students. Instead of casting a wide condemnation on the schools, it’s time
to hold parents accountable.  Children
do deserve a loving home, but not every school can provide an adequate environment
to replace it; but to straitjacket schools for not reaching every kid is
simply preposterous.

“American public education is serving as a portal to the
cradle-to-prison pipeline for millions of poor children of color.” No, Ms.
Edelman, it is the state, which has taken on the authority to shepherd millions
from cradle-to-grave, which has created an underclass of low performance and low
expectation. Schools cannot be the panacea for society’s ills, and we cannot
expect parents who want the best for their kids to force them to go to a
low-quality school. A voucher program, more accountability from district leadership, fewed mandated standardized tests, plus a reform of tenure and the weakness of the public
sector unions: all of these reforms will limit the expanse of the state,
promote more choice, and put the destiny of the students back in their own
hands, where it belongs.
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