Michael Medved has joined the petty pantheon of conservative pundits just as squirrely about the GOP Presidential slim pickings.

Now he is castigating Congressman Ron Paul's foreign policy platform as (*ahem*):

"isolationist, moral-relativist" and "agreeing with Barack Obama, but disagreeing with great Republicans Lincoln and Reagan."

I think the current administration's foreign policy has been far more morally relative than previous conduct in the realm of diplomacy. How many times has President Obama thrown Israel "under the bus" so to speak, pressuring more concessions out of the Jewish State while undermining Western allies and playing appeasement politics with Arab states dedicated to the eradication of Israel?

Also, the Obama Administration, like previous presidencies Republican and Democrat, have proffered twice as much foreign aid to Arab communities inimical to the best interests of the Jewish State, like the PLO and Pakistan. What kind of nonsensical foreign policy gives foreign aid to nations bent on the destruction of our one solid Middle Eastern Ally.

Congressman Ron Paul respects the rights and responsibilities of the Jewish state to manage its foreign affairs without intrusion from the United States. This position is in sound harmony with the United States Constitution, which reserves war powers to a declaration of Congress before the Commander-in-Chief can wage war throughout the world.

I also do not concur that in matters of foreign policy GOP "greats" like Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan excelled, except to the extent that they limited the United States' role in foreign affairs and demanded freedom of determination to other nations, like Lincoln's enforcement of the Monroe Doctrine against the French occupiers in Maximillian's Mexico. Let us not forget that Reagan relied more on soft power with arms pressure and social policy to bring down the Soviet Union, followed by the forced and immediate withdrawal of Marines stationed in the irrational fratricide of 1980's Lebanon.

Besides, since when and where did the United States Government get the authority to station troops in one hundred countries, the most of which have their own standing armies and do not need our presence?

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