As if the Garden State does not have enough problems to cut down, trim, or uproot entirely.

There is a reason why the gay marriage bill failed in New Jersey — Governor Christie wants relief for his constituents.

With so many families forced to live in parks under tents, marrying the man or woman one loves is the furthest issue from many New Jerseyans minds, to be sure.

Also, does the state really want to handle a judicial challenge to such proposed legislation, should it pass?

In California, voters overturned the gay marriage law with a constitutional amendment of its own, which has been attacked and limited in federal court up till now. Governor Christie has already demonstrated that he will not pursue frivolous suits that waste taxpayers' time and money.

Despite his political necessary penchant for moderation on social issues, Christie can always fall back on the economic necessity of refusing legal and financial handouts to core libearl issues, like in-state tuition for illegals or gay marraige.

The states cannot afford to cast forth limited government revenues at this inane, insane, and insulting proposals which fly in teh face of the current needs of voters.

Adam and Steve can wait, or the only vows that they will exchange will be poverty.

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