Santa Monica Community College President Chui Tsang has joined the ranks of public school and post-secondary institution leaders demanding that voters support Proposition 30, or they will have to enact more brutal cuts to our educational systems.

When will this game of budget-chicken end? The voters have been roasted long enough by Sacramento politicians and bureaucrats who have done nothing but spend money that they don’t have while public sector unions feather their pensions and benefits with lucrative contracts while the rest of the state lays an egg of billion-dollar deficits.

California is no longer the Golden Goose that public officials can pilfer with abandon. It’s time that our public institutions enact real reform: limits to collective bargaining, scaling back the bloated bureaucracies and overgenerous union-backed benefits which are crippling our schools.

On another note, I wonder how “Mother Hen” Edmund G. “Pat” Brown would feel seeing his legacy of community colleges decimated by cuts and deficit spending.

I also wonder how he would feel, seeing the warring propositions, Prop 30 and 38, vying for attention on our television screens day after day. The clash between two proposals for revenue increases should be enough to dissuade voters from

I still wonder how he would feel after reading that top brass in our college systems are getting pay raises while students looking for skills and looking for work are struggling for classes.

Edmund Jr., or “Jerry” to the rest of us, must be calling on the spirits of his deceased dad for some direction.

Instead, he ought to summon the spirits of another Governor, Ronald Reagan, who got the budget and the restless student body under control years ago. No more spending, no more tax increases!
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