The millionaire surtax is a tax on everyone.
Wealthy investors will shore up their savings in off-shore accounts.
Those who fail to file away their finances will see their rightfully hard-earned earnings siphoned off into wasteful government programs, none of which will help the economy.
With less money available for business investment, anemic job growth will putter along or stagnate, with the unemployment level or even rising.
The millionaire surtax is one more tax-and-spend piece of foolish legislation, the blindness of which is taxing the American people.
Not only will Obama's Job's Bill (including the surtax) fail to pass Congress, it will fail to unite a disillusioned Democratic base, which has resorted to taking on Wall Street and major banking institutions around the country.
Unfortunately for President Obama, this mass of populist left-wing outrage probably will not turn out Next November to reelect the secular Messiah turned tepid Anti-Christ.