The Bay Area, specifically San Francisco, is experiencing the most rapid net migration out of its region in the country.

The section of the state of California has become completely unaffordable for middle-income earners, and inhabitable for the vast majority of California who just want to make it from day to day. Abandoned hypodermic needles, human waste, disease, homeless have overwhelmed the San Francisco sidewalks.

The City has turned into The Shit-hole, complete with rampant lawlessness and disregard for federal law, specifically immigration laws. San Francisco parents are taking their children out of public schools in rising numbers. Those who can afford it enroll their children in private schools.

Many more are just fleeing the region entirely. Even cost-conscious Milennials are fleeing the Bay Area and heading for Sacramento. The housing is cheaper, the quality of life is way better (respondents in the video above will clearly attest to the quality of life issue).

Will these demographic shifts get younger voters to finally wake up to the dangers of socialism and abject liberalism as government policy?

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