Contrary to the long-winded contentions of the Star-Ledger Editorial Board, Congressman Ron Paul is the only Presidential candidate worthy of becoming President of the United States.

The flimsy implications of lunatic racist rants from a 1996 Ron Paul newsletter are the last-gasp, grasping straw attempts of outrageous establishment types to discredit a principled statesman who has rallied against Big Government all his professional life.

Not once have his views evinced a strain of anti-Semitism or racism. His disavowal of the Americans Disabilities Act and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 would have promoted the needs of minorities, whereas government mangling to this day has impoverished the opportunity of both the able and the disabled, while bankrupting the already overburdened state for taxpayer and dependent alike. This insanity cannot continue, and Congressman Ron Paul has been the only effective and effectual candidate to demonstrate a seamless record and similar party platform to combat these problems.

The Star Ledger Editorial Board is beyond overboard in characterizing the Texas Congressman as a "bag-of-wind". The only windbag stirring up empty strife with heated rhetoric is the current Vanity-in-Chief Barack Obama, whose talk of "hope and change" has turned a struggling national debt crisis into a perfect storm of despair.

Furthermore, Congressman Paul's measured and measurable zeal for limited constitutional government resembles the policies and practices of a certain tough-talking governor who has stood up to the overblown liberal media and left-leaning programs of the welfare-warfare-windfall state. Of course, I am writing of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who despite his political endorsement of Mitt Romney, espouses leadership and values more akin to Congressman Paul.

Not surprised in the slightest, I am actually delighted to see the mainstream media sniping at the up-and-coming. It suggests that his views, his policies, and his potential are finally having their turn in the national spotlight.

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