Along with my other visits to key House Reps' offices in Washington DC, I would discover offices that I realized would be worth the visit.
For the first time in nearly two decades, Maine has a Republican Congressman, representing the Northern part of the district.
Bruce Poliquin is pro-life, and he is fiscally conservative, too.
I wanted to congratulate him and his staff, but I also wanted to send the message loud and clear: "No Amnesty."

The staffer provided me a copy of his statement!
Check it out below, with my remarks
September 5, 2017 Press Release
WASHINGTON – Congressman Bruce Poliquin (ME-02) released the following
statement on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program:
“Congress has waited far too long to act on serious border security and
to implement an effective system to control who enters our county. It’s the
federal government’s responsibility to establish immigration laws that work for
current American families while welcoming those wanting to become law-abiding
citizens of the United States.
How about that? It's not the fault of the American People if our border is not secured. We have elected officials time and again to ensure that our borders are protected and keep illegal aliens out of the country. I had confronted a local Republican official who had shamed me about illegal immigration.
 “America is a country of
immigrants, like my own family. However, no President can simply side-step
Congress and create immigration laws on his or her own. The Constitution is
clear that the Legislative branch is responsible for passing laws to be
presented to the President for signature. The Obama Administration acted
illegally in creating the DACA program in 2012. I strongly opposed this action—joining
a resolution condemning it—because it was unconstitutional and a violation of
executive power. Now, the current Administration is facing legal challenges
from several states if the DACA policy continues.

Thank God that at least Poliquin understand the need to stop this lawlessness
 “As someone who raised my son
mostly as a single dad, I am particularly sensitive to the fact that a young
child has little or no control over the movements of his or her family. A child
should not be held responsible for the actions of parents who chose to break
our immigration laws.

True, but neither should we. This misplaced compassion must be checked. The fault lies with the parents, not with the country into which the parents entered and violated the sovereignty.
 “There are nearly 800,000 people
in the current DACA program, including 35,000 in New England.  Some of these individuals grew up believing
they were Americans with no knowledge of their parents’ actions. I believe if
these people have been fully law-abiding members of our society, they should be
protected from deportation through legislative action by Congress. At the same
time, we need to continue to secure and control our borders. We need to
continue our work to end illegal immigration.

Hey Bruce! No AMNESTY!

Nope. The fact is that these illegals are still in the country without authorization. I do not accept the argument that these young illegals–who are now adults–have any right to live in the United States.
Their parents need to take them back to their home countries and enter legally. Many families have already done that.

Build the Wall!

 “Congress must act to improve
our border security; to find a solution to address those well-meaning
individuals now caught in DACA status; and to update our immigration policies
which reduce incentives to break the law. America can continue to be a nation
of laws, border security, and controlled immigration.”

The idea that they are not criminals or have not broken our immigration laws is just total nonsense. I am going to give Rep. Poliquin the benefit of the doubt on this one, since he doesn't know the destructive effects of illegal immigration on our country and our culture.
I shared the following video with Poliquin's staffers.
They need to see it again:

Make sure Rep. Bruce Poliquin gets the message:
No Amnesty.
No Open Borders USA!
1208 Longworth House Office
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-6306
Fax: (202) 225-2943
4 Union Plaza
Suite 7
Bangor, ME 04401
Phone: (207) 942-0583
Fax: (207) 942-7101     
7 Hatch Drive
Suite 230
Caribou, ME 04736
Phone: (207) 492-1600
Fax: (207) 492-1606
179 Lisbon Street
Lewiston, ME 04240
Phone: (207) 784-0768
Fax: (207) 784-5672
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