Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's reflection on the Raising of the U.S. Federal Debt Ceiling recently passed within hairs-breadth of national default:

“People on the right are upset. People on the left are upset. People in the middle are upset.”

Let's just cut to the chase: We are all upset!

Big Government is a big failure! Refusing to limit the scope of their powers to what the Constitution has outlined, Federal Legislators have spent way beyond the means of this nation. Now they cannot even agree on how not to spend, or they grouse about not being able to spend enough.

Yet rather than caving in to despair over the omnipresent frustration weighing on both sides of the Beltway, the American people should take heart. If outraged liberals and committed conservatives, in growing numbers no less, are both dissatisfied with business as usual, then maybe there is some hope that the era of Big Government is over as we know it.

Case in point: when Liberal Dennis Kucinich and Libertarian Ron Paul are both raising the alarm about the encroachment of the State into our daily lives, then an unlikely coalition of no-longer fringe elements may be just what it takes to stop the spending, limit government, and return state power to its proper place: the states and the people.

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