The voter registration in Massachusetts certainly appears
daunting. With a three-to-one Democratic spread, and a whole bunch of
independents going either way (usually to the left), and an ultimate low of 10%
registered Republicans, the Massachusetts GOP has more than its work cut out
for taking back Beacon Hill.

Or does it?

The year 2010 was a watershed year, certainly, with a
special election to replace the recently-deceased Ted "Chappaquiddick"
Kennedy. Despite the three-to-one Dem slant, state senator Scott Brown
(R-Wrentham) worked hard, campaigned throughout the state, and took the
election from a double-digit deficit to a five-point win over Martha "Red
Sox: Who are they?" Coakley.

Throughout the country from 2010 to now, Dems were on the
run. McDonnell won the Virginia Govenror’s race, and US Attorney Chris Christie
won in New Jersey.

Conservative columnist George Will displaced former House
Speaker Tip (Me Over) O'Neill's assertion that all politics is local. With the
advent of Obamacare, and the growing backlash from the states in 2010 and 2012,
Republicans dominated state legislatures, even winning Dem seats in usually
strongholds throughout the South. I still remember reading about the Alabama
Democratic Party on life-support, as four members of the Cotton State Democratic
delegation bolted for the GOP.

And of course, the Election Day shellacking of 2010 cannot
be forgotten, which still represents the House of Representatives in spite of
the National GOP’s botched efforts.

And in my state, Republicans are punching back to win in Dem

The Central Valley is all dried up, because of liberal,
statist supermajority Democratic posturing. All the pandering for a smelt has
sent the Central Valley up the river.

GOP Can sweep in Massachusetts!

In comes cherry farmer Andy Vidak (R-Hanford), a
generational name in the region, well-known among the salt of the earth and the
agricultural interests. Following a 2013 special election to fill in a
two-to-one Democratic seat, Vidak carried the primary and the general election
by six points. Yeehaw!

Two more special elections, one in the Pomona region, and
another in the West Valley of Los Angeles, forced Democratic operatives to
outspend the conservative/Republican opposition ten-to-one, and yet the liberal
candidates only eked out wins by a few hundred votes. Frustrating at first for the
GOP, these near-victories exposed a weakened Democratic brand, one in which
registered Dem and liberal voters were more than happy to throw their support
to the Republican. I should know. I made calls over the past few weekends into the
West Valley region, where Democrats and liberal-leaning independents declared
their support for the fiscally conservative (and pro-Second Amendment)

Then the waves really started rising for the California GOP.
Back to 2013, Democratic Mayor Bob Filner of San Diego resigned in disgrace
following eighteen allegations of sexual misconduct against female coworkers in
the city. Another special election ensued, and Republican Councilmember Kevin
Faulconer stepped up, winning the top vote in the primary, and then the final
February run-off by nine points in a 13 point Dem advantage city. Further study
proved that Faulconer had cross-over appeal not just with Independents but also
registered Democrats, all of whom were still smarting over the painful costs
and unseemly cuts brought on the city because of prior public sector union

By the way, Democrats poured millions into the San Diego
special election, and lots of foot power from the unions, and the Republican
candidate still won! Voters in California are tired of collective bargaining
lobbyists tying up the statehouse. Two pension reform initiatives already
passed by 70% margins in very liberal San Jose as well as moderate San Diego.

The reform momentum favored Faulconer, and can favor the
state GOP in November. Democrats will be putting out fires all over California,
as Democrats as well as Republicans are retiring from office. Henry Waxman
(D-Los Angeles) has widened the Dem Civil War between identity politicians and
public sector union puppets. A primary challenge from the left is hitting
confirmed liberal Mike Honda (D-Sunnyvale), and Republicans are prepping to
recover ground inadvertently lost in 2012.

How does any of this help the Massachusetts GOP? Simple
enough. The national outrage over Obamacare, gun grabbing, and wasteful
spending, along with NSA spying and the failed rollout not just of Obamacare
Care but Common Core can give Republicans all over plenty of ammo to fight back
and take the high ground again. Registered Democrats have already voted for
Republicans who represent their interests rather than the special interests.
The same can happen in the Bay State, too.
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