At the base of Statue of Liberty, and the basis for
American Immigration policy, the following quote from Emma Lazarus speaks

me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”

If anyone wants to come to the United States,
they enter under the condition that they respect  key expectation of our nation and political
culture: respect for our laws, and incorporation of our heartbeat for liberty. “The
huddled masses yearning to breathe free” is one key phrase which one group of
migrants seems less inclined to agree with. 
Regardless of one’s personal affections or affiliations, Islam as a
religion, and Sharia law in connection with Islam, is not about liberty. 

Submission, oppression, and repression of any healthy dissent are defining
characteristics. Inclined to disagree with me? Congresswoman Maxine Waters
(D-Torrance) might be one of them, since she praised
Sharia law as
consistent with the United States Constitution
Really? With references to bodily mutilation for infractions of law, as well as
abusive second class status for women and marked limited on free speech,
clearly Sharia is incompatible with our Constitution, or with liberty.
For this reason alone, I am resistant to bring in “Syrian”
refugees. That word “Syrian” requires quotes,
since the Federal
Bureau of Investigation has
already admitted a number of times “We cannot
screen these refugees.” Security concerns have only grown in the wake of the
Middle Eastern refugee crisis, including eight Syrian terrorists caught along
the Texas border.

This attempted invasion alone is grounds
for refusing the refugees
. More than half the
nation’s governors (almost all Republicans) agree
More Republican candidates in general, and conservatives in California like
Rafael Dagnasses running for Congress in Ventura County are emphasizing the
national security concerns associated with the rising migratory stressors on
the United States.
Yet not just Islamic terrorists, but Islam in itself stokes
concerns about these refugees. This is not coming from me only. Rachelle Mand
of Torrance, CA, a renowned expert on Islam and its nefarious political
currents, first opened my eyes to the destruction nature of this political
movement. From her, I listened to the otherwise offensive liberal atheist
Bill Maher spell
our some startling realities about the Muslim ideology
. In
an unprecedented yet refreshing interview with Charlie Rose, Maher slammed the
political elitist naivete about Islam.
Breitbart Editor’s Ben Shapiro released a
video about the majority beliefs of Muslims throughout the
world. The results are striking, and disturbing.

No Refugees

political leaders, and even former Muslims
are exposing some dark
realities about Islam: it has a serious set of problems. A predilection for violence,
a disarming inequity towards women,
and even a latent
culture which
permits abuse of children and outright of
non-Muslims, Islam by the book is by-and-large not fit for full consumption in
a free society.

This problem brings us to the refugee “crisis” throughout the
world, as Arabs fleeing the Middle East supposedly seek sanctuary in Western
countries, particularly Europe and the United States. Should these countries
accept these refugees? 
A number of arguments have emerged, from talk radio to
cultural critics, and the residents by and large: refuse the refugees! Besides the
radical nature of militant Muslims (witness the Charlie Hebdo attacks in
January and the suicide bombings last week in Paris), the more general argument
advances this question: why are the other Arab countries in the region not taking
in the refugees?

It’s not as though Saudi Arabia, Jordan, or even Egypt can’t
take in these huddled masses. Consider Saudi Arabia. The nation has one hundred
thousand empty, air conditioned tents. Yet this country cannot spare any space
or the hundreds of thousands of fleeing Arabs from the surrounding areas? The
Saudis took in the Arab dictators fleeing native-grown political revolts during
the Arab Spring, did they not?

What about Jordan? One of the few remaining moderate states
in the Middle East (besides Israel),
Jordan is taking in
, but
not many, while struggling with the increasing tensions brought on by political
turmoil, internecine civil wars, and outright Islamic terrorism.

What about Egypt? The International
Business Times reports
the “dire conditions” of migrants who cannot
thrive in the largest Muslim country in the Arab World, who see Europe as their
only hope for a better life.

Now, instead of placing all the problems at the foot of
Europe and America, it’s time for Arabs around the world to adopt liberal
traditions in Jeffersonian Democracy. President George W. Bush, US Senator
Dianne Feinstein, and former refusnik Natan Sharansky identified the necessity
of establishing a culture based in political liberty and equal rights for all. The
Bush Administration's military successes in Iraq positioned Western influence to
embolden and expand Western political liberty in the region.

Now more than ever, free countries must invest not in opening
their borders, but rather opening the minds and hearts of oppressed people to
demand the rules of law, religious liberty, and freedom from tyranny in their
own lands. As California Republican gubernatorial candidate declared in his one
2014 debate against Jerry Brown, “The answer to the world’s problems is not an
open border.”
This reform begins with facing the inherent conflicts in the
dominant religion in the region: Islam. Once again, I am not some aloof Western
advocate demanding that the rest of the world shift to my point of view.
The current
military dictator of Egypt
, who has restored peace to that troubled
nation, has demanded from scholars a much needed reformation of Islam.
More former Muslims, who
have fled the repression of the sect, demand its end.
One country has
already banned Islam within its borders

The massive political, cultural, and religious upheavals in
the Middle East cannot be eased with more immigration to First World nations.
Not only should we refuse the refugees, but the Arab world must refuse the
ideologies breeding the corruption and destruction in their countries.
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