I find it a happy turn of events that local fast food restaurants are still playing Christmas music and displaying Christmas decorations. Homes and other local businesses throughout the South Bay have kept the Christmas decorations up, too.

December 25, 2017 was the beginning of the holiday season. I have often treated the 12 day as the true Christmas season, not just one day out of the year.

I also agree with the Ghost of Christmas Present, that we should celebrate the birth of the Savior every day, not just on Christmas Day, i.e. December 25.

In some countries, the main celebration, with gift-giving and song, takes place on January 6, otherwise known as Epiphany, or Three Kings Day. In medieval times, celebrations would last all the way to February 2nd, other Candlemas, the day when Jesus was dedicated to the Lord at the Temple in Jerusalem.

The Christmas season is a worthy season, and it's worth local merchants' time and invitation to keep the holiday decorations up and play the music.

On a wider note, I am glad that we have a President who is bringing back the celebration of Christmas, both in word and deed, not just to the White House, but to every house. This country is founded on Judeo-Christian values, the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence drew profound inspiration from the Holy Scriptures. The birth of our Savior Jesus Christ ensured a country in which the individual and the family retained meaning and value. The knowledge of the Savior, his Grace shining and shed upon the world, ensured a free society for all citizens who settled this country or who immigrated here.

Men and women came to this country that they could live in concert with a clear conscience, a country where men and women could have life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Christmas, the day when God became man, dwelling in flesh, the only born expressly to die, and to die for the sins of all, that man would be redeemed from sin and death, to reign in life through God's gifts of grace and righteousness.

Indeed, it's good and fitting that local restaurants, businesses, and homes keep the Christmas decorations up for all to see.

Merry Christmas, everyone, and have a Happy New Year!

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