I have lived in this country for many years.

I have served some interesting, odd jobs for the past few
years. This has not been the best element for all that I had been through.

I remember how years ago I wrote about the desire to break
free from the past.

The Blood of Jesus Christ has done exactly that for me! He
died for all of  my sins, and by His death and Life all of my sins are transformed into more glory for God!

We need more than to be set free from the past. We need to
be set from ourselves! We need to be delivered into a new life, and this life
we find in Christ Jesus!

Now I am asking for the strength and the presence of mind to
see the past as something that He is using to build a glorious present, not
something that I have to ignore.

Your grace is greater than my past! The example of Joseph with his brothers is telling. Their betrayal led him from a trail of tears to portrayal as a father to the Pharoah of Egypt. The four women who are listed in the genealogy of Jesus Christ had sordid pasts, sordid identities, yet God used them.
Do not despise or run away from the failures of the past — let God transform your gory to His glory!

Your grace is greater than anything and everything that I
have endured in my life! Your grace rips the veil of tears into a gale of goodness!
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