Red Nation Rising is a nationwide movement getting conservative, pro-constitutoin patriots to fight the good fight and Make America Great Again.

There are too many people in Washington DC who have gotten comfy with all the trappings of power.

This is wrong.

They forget whom they work for, and they start working for themselves.

All of this is outrageous, contrary to the best interests of the country.

Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) has been in the US Senate longer than I have been alive.

I do not favor term limits, but I do favor holding elected officials accountable, regardless of their reservoir of experience.

Orrin Hatch was a good man. He fought against big government. He voted for tax cuts. He fought for religious liberties.

He led the fight to prosecute Bill Clinton in 1998-1999.

He stood with Trump, even after his indiscreet comments with Billy Bush were suddenly released.

But looking at his current record, it's clear that he is out of step with the needs of the country.

He supports amnesty.

He wants to allow mentally ill individuals to serve in the military.

In short–after 42 years in office, Orrin has gone establishment. It's time for him to go "Down the Hatch".

Someone needs to remind him that he is not in the early 1980s anymore. The culture wars are real, and we need fighters.

His election in 1976 was unprecedented. Utah had had a relatively strong Democratic streak for nearly a century. All of that change with Hatch's unprecedented win.

However, the challenges he had faced in 1976 are not the problems we faced today.

Hatch is not only not fighting those issues, he is contributing to them!

Red Nation Rising Utah has called him out:

@senorrinhatch is an establishment perennial focused on enriching himself at taxpayer's expense.

— RNR Utah (@RNRUtah) September 27, 2017

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