Dear California MassResistance members and allies:

I cannot believe it has become so dark and dank in the halls of Sacramento.

A terrible piece of legislation, SB 145, passed out of the State Senate last year, and made it as far as the State Assembly Appropriations Committee.

If this legislation passes and becomes law, it would allow homosexuals to prey on youths, have sex with them, and then be able to avoid registering as sex offenders.

This is nothing short of disgusting. The pretended reasons for this legislation is "equity", per openly gay LGBT activist State Senator Scott Weiner. Under current law, a man who has sex with a minor of the opposite sex, if the age difference between the two is less than ten years and the sexual encounter is "consensual" can avoid registering on the sex offender registry.

In contrast, homosexuals who have sex with a minor engage in anal or oral sex, and therefore do not enjoy any such safeguard. These are the clear-cut, technical explanations for this bill is all about. The real consequences, of course, is that men can prey on adolescent boys for sex, and then they can get out of registering as sex offenders by claiming "Well, the sex was consensual."

Here's more information on this terrible bill, and what MassResistance has been able to accomplish so far. Click here.

This bill is nothing short of "pedophile" or "predator amnesty." This is no good. It needs to be stopped at all costs.

This is nothing short of disgusting. Nothing short of evil, and that is saying a lot considering how bad it has gotten in the halls of Sacramento, in the state legislature.

There is still time for us to stop this terrible piece of legislation.

We need everyone to contact their state assemblymembers ASAP.

You can find your state assemblymember using the link below:

The link that comes up will direct you to your assemblymember's website, and the contact information will be listed there.

Above all, PLEASE contact the Speaker of the Assembly Anthony Rendon, and tell him not to give the bill a floor vote!

Capitol Office
State Capitol
Room 219
Sacramento, CA 95814
Tel: (916) 319-2063
Fax: (916) 319-2163

District Office:
4909 Lakewood Blvd., Suite 400
Lakewood, CA 90712
Tel: (562) 529-3250
Fax: (562) 529-3255
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