Employee Vaccine Passport Bill
A.B. 1102
Assemblymember Evan Low (D) is seeking to pass A.B. 1102, a California bill that will provide employers the option to make proof of COVID-19 vaccination a requirement to be hired or to continue employment. The bill further provides that employers may require booster shots as recommended by the CDC.
Employees could be issued a physical or an electronic vaccine passport showing the “employee’s or applicant’s name, date of birth, vaccine dates, and vaccine type.” 
A.B. 1102 was introduced as a “telephone medical advice services” bill. Using a procedure called “gut and amend,”A.B. 1102 is in the process of being stripped of its original language and transformed into the employee COVID-19 passport bill. Additional amendments are expected.
A.B. 1102 would go into effect immediately if passed by the legislature and signed by Governor Newsom.
Contact your California senator and assembly member and urge him or her to
vote “No” on A.B. 1102:
After you contact your CA senator, you can also help fight this bill by spreading the word. Real Impact has created a flyer you can download and print to give to friends and neighbors.
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