"Young America's Foundation" has published a calendar to highlight the wit and wisdom of the United States' 40th President, Ronald Reagan.

Contrary to the assertions of his die-hard fans and followers, Reagan's rhetoric did not match up with the reality of limited government and free markets.

Even some of the Gipper's comments betray this betrayal of core conservative values:

"Every promise, every opportunity, is still golden in this land." The matter of worth and reach lies in the grasp of the individual who will put aside his own limited wants and hurts to reach for something greater. This determination requires overcoming oneself, a more daunting task than taking ten cities.

"No people who have ever lived have fought harder, paid a higher price for freedom or done more to advance the dignity of man than Americans." This populism/hero worship makes for speeches that praise man all the way to casting his ballot for the ruling party of flattery. Yet conservatism recognizes the individual as such, not just his identity within the state. There is no shame for a man or woman whose status and worth rises above his political culture or party affiliation.

Of course, other broad statements like "Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem." The oversimplicity of this we vs.we debatery overlooks to fundamental realities of conservatism. The problems that face human beings, as well as man as a creation of God, are plural and pluralistic. Precisely because of the complexity and scope of man in the Universe, conservatism reject the growth of government and the intervention of state to solve man's or even society's ills.

Government is a means of reserving political power to protect the rights of man. Natural rights without a context of political power become meaningless or inarticulate. Yet government the redefines, and thus expands, its role in our lives only frustrates the original contract between government and government, giving way to the tyrannies and despotism feared and despised by the Framers.

Reaganism is not Conservatism. We cannot preach against a government which we have created, to which we have acquiesced in seeking succor, favors, and an established power to regulate our lives for the "pretended" better.

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