Now check out this bigoted post against me on Facebook:

Her name is Raven Zafira:

She claims that I treat her like "hired help" when I confront her and her bigoted posters at the Cudahy City Council meetings.

But who is really the bigot?

Check out the hateful remarks which she has written about me on her Facebook profile:


I am a Nazi?

I have Jewish friends, all of whom supported Trump.

I am a Nazi?

I welcome freedom of speech, as long as individuals do not engage in violence following the remarks.

I am a Nazi?

Edin Enamorado, who is pictured behind me in the vefry light blue shirt, reached out to me and we sat down and discussed issues without getting into vulgar rhetoric or violent retorts.

So, I have to ask this question:

Who is the real narrow-minded bigot who resorts to name-calling because she has no real answers or proper information to answer questions?

Her name is Raven Zafira.

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