December 18, 2017, the city of Pomona engaged in the same hollow virtue-signaling over illegal immigration. Even though the state of California just passed SB 54, the sanctuary state bill, illegal alien groups and their enabling activist hordes are still demanding more from local governments.

They want ordinances, which will "assure" illegal alien groups in the cities that they have nothing to worry about. We warned these amnesty groups that SB 54 would stop ICE from arresting and deporting illegal aliens. They would be forced to go right into the neighborhoods, to the schools, and at all the workplaces to round up the illegals.
Pomona is engaging in more hollow talking points, but these measures will not prevent We the People Rising and other pro-enforcement coalitions from showing up and making the point about law enforcement. The United States is a great country because we are a nation of laws, not of men. This is a great country because the rights of men and women do not depend on their skin color, and the opportunity to survive and thrive exists for all who are willing to work, regardless of the challenges they face in front of them.
One of the loudest, most obnoxious Brown Supremacists at the meeting shouted about "What country are you from?" as a way to bait or shame Trump supporters and advocates in general who support the rule of law.
There is no nice way to put: these angry bigots make fools of themselves every time.
She hardly made sense, when she shouted at me "I came from my mother's womb, just like you!"
What does that have to do with national sovereignty? What does any of that have to do with the rule of law or the security and sanctity or our nation's borders and culture?
Then there was this SEIU supporter seated behind me:
This lady asked me: "Where do your ancestors come from?
I told her about the diverse ethnic lineage of my family. Then she retorted: "I'n surprised that you are so anti-immigrant."
That smear, that canard is a classic retort from these open border leftists. "We are all immigrants", they claim, since we have ancestors from other countries or continents who settled in the Americas. The joke quickly turned on her, though, when I pointed to Jesse Suave next to me, an immigrant from Mexico who opposes illegal immigration, amnesty, sanctuary cities, and the general lawlessness advocated for by La Raza, SEIU, and other left-wing activist groups.
She was pretty quiet at that point, and I called her a "bigot". A young man behind me tried to comfort her, advising her not to interact with me. We all know that guy, another "undocumented" activist who stood with an angry lady who shouted "Make America Brown Again." I asked that young man three times to explain to me how he could justify such resolute bigotry and race-baiting. He could not answer me.
The lies, the distortions of this country's history, including its founding, are beyond calculation. The anti-American, racist brainwashing which young and old have endured must be countered.
I am glad that I was there with the rest of We the People Rising to stand against this Brown Supremacy horde.
Here were my public comments to the city council regarding their action on a sanctuary state ordinance for Pomona:
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