Rosario Marin is a fellow Californian, and a Hispanic female
Republican. What more could the California GOP have hoped for?
She served as a councilmember, then mayor in the deep blue,
and now deeply corrupt city of Huntington Park, the same city where I continue
protesting the appointment of two illegal aliens to city commissions. Sadly,
Marin has remained silent about this outrageous travesty, although she has
helped campaign for other Hispanic Republicans running for office in
She was promoted from Little TJ to Big DC, where she served
as George W. Bush’s first Secretary of the Treasury. She returned to California
two years later, ran for U.S. Senate to challenge Boxer. Marin was hoping to
ride this 2004 wave of GOP resurgence. After all, she just left one
high-profile federal position to win another. She later pledged to potential
donors that she would solve the California—and the national Republican
Party’s—“white male problem.”  She lost
the U.S. Senate primary, but Governor Schwarzenegger appointed her to two
governing boards. She had a lot going for her as a locally elected official,
suddenly vaulted to federal office. Even if she sought statewide office and
lost, she had so much to offer her state.
I thought I knew enough about Rosario Marin. But as more is revealed,
I now find her worthy of revulsion. Four months ago, having stumped for Jeb
Bush, she announced that she would not endorse
or support Donald Trump for President
Why? From Fox News Latino:
Marin says she is too
stung by Trump’s rhetoric about Mexico, and about undocumented immigrants, to
bring herself to even consider being part of any process that promotes him for

Mexico secures their southern border with big walls and
armed military. Why can’t the United States? “Undocumented immigrants.” Excuse
me? That insensitive rhetoric is a slap in the face to the millions of legal
residents who worked hard, played by the rules, and earned their citizenship. She
won’t call those in the country illegally who they really are: illegal aliens.
Human beings can be illegal if they enter a country and reside unlawfully. I
don’t care if that stings you, Rosario!
“I have been the
spokesperson for five presidential Republican campaigns,” Marin told Fox News
Latino. “I have attended the previous five Republican national conventions. I’m
not going this year, and I am not campaigning for him. I would never, never,
ever vote for the little orange man.”

How very petty of her. Men and women of diverse ethnic
backgrounds support Donald Trump. They will move on without you!
Now she announces that she will vote for the sick, little
white woman in a crappy pantsuit:
So, for me to consider
the unthinkable—to vote for a Democrat—has been a profound soul searching
process. Leaders are tested time and time again and so, I will stand up for my
community against the menace of a tyrannical presidency that does not value the
countless contributions of immigrants across its beautiful and bountiful

How can anyone voting for Hillary Clinton claim to engage in
soul-searching? Or claim to have a soul, especially if she is a Republican?
Rosario Marin has lost her senses and integrity. 
 “My people—My
community”, Marin claims to speak for all Hispanics. Such rhetoric is
particularly annoying, and often heard from Hispanic liberals.  
This Hispanic-American—AND
Trump supporter–blasted
the Anaheim City Council for a motion of censure
against Trump.
is voting for Donald Trump.
Francisco Rivera has shared his story many times
. Hey, Rosario, he’s a
Huntington Park resident voting for Donald Trump. You really don’t know what
“your people” want, do you?!
Marin’s presumptuous mind-reading is more than short-sighted
or prejudiced. It’s endemic of the Democratic-Republican Establishment
mentality that has corroded our government, has so sickened the American
Yet for Marin, her answer is “No me importa”.
I have disagreed with
and criticized Hillary Clinton’s positions, but I have come to the conclusion
that she would be a far better president than the Republican candidate could ever

Does she use Twitter? Social media? Anything? Hispanics
routinely pillory Hillary’s hispandering, i.e. “How
Hillary is like your Abuela
”. Seriously? Last time I checked, grandmothers
don’t take big checks from terrorist nations.
Forget the “white male problem”, let’s talk about the
Democrat-Republican political Establishment problem.
And Marin is the symbol of it.
She was a Bush operative. Believe me, after eight years of
Obama, I would vote for W. again. But I do not miss his policies of poorly
planned military ventures, bailouts for big banks, budget-busting
appropriations. Bush also wanted amnesty, but the American people wanted a
secure border and the rule of law. They still do.
Political elites like Marin, regardless of their skin color,
just do not get it. And that’s plenty evident in Marin’s offensive, abusive,
and shameful decision to vote for … Hillary Clinton?! Was she paying attention
to the California news cycle during the last weeks of May into the June
Primary? Hispanic activists all over the Southern California confronted her in
East Los Angeles, slamming her Wall Street contacts, shaming her Establishment
credentials and utter lack of integrity and credibility. I
still vividly remember that sign “Deport Her”
. Hispanic Democrats, largely
in the tank for Bernie Sanders, openly despise Clinton. They cannot stand her.
And now this Hispanic female Republican is with her?
Marin had fought to lead the GOP fight to recover and expand
Republican outreach to Hispanic communities.
Now, in a disturbing and disappointing turn, she is voting
for Hillary Clinton.
I am really not sure how this helps her people—and by
“people”, I mean the American People.
Last year, We the People Rising chased down the corrupt Efren
, the “puppet master” of Huntington Park. All of us shouted as he
fled to his jeep: “Shame, shame on Martinez!”
Today, I echo the same for RINO Marin:
Shame, shame on Rosario!
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