August 25th, 2016: Media Advisory for Immediate Release

Christians–and Americans in general–are facing attacks on their religious liberty like never before. In California, the state legislature wants to impose more restrictions on the practice of First Amendment rights, including freedom speech and religion.
Senate Bill 1146 will lead to more discrimination against Christians, particularly Christian institutions of higher education.
Arthur Schaper of California MassResistance explained: “The bill’s author, California State Senator Ricardo Lara (D-Bell Gardens, Long Beach)  laims that this bill will remedy universities’ “license to discriminate”.
“What will the amended SB 1146 actually do? Force unjust reporting and publishing requirements on Christian colleges. And Lara has sworn that he will bring back the more controversial parts of his bill, which he had removed before the Appropriations Committee hearing last week.”

One of the chief supporters of this terrible bill is Assemblyman Reggie Jones-Sawyer (D-Los Angeles)
Church leaders, including Pastor Marc Little of Faithful Central Church–a respected leader in the Los Angeles African-American community–who Inglewood appealed to their legislators to vote NO on this legislation.
Instead of respecting the Christian community of Los Angeles, Jones-Sawyer’s chief of staff Joey Hill cursed out Pastor Marc Little.

"Reggie Jones-Sawyer even admitted to me that he did not know what SB 1146 was!

"We are protesting State Assemblyman Reggie Jones-Sawyer for voting for SB 1146, and we are demanding that his Chief of Staff Joey Hill be terminated immediately”, Schaper continued:
California MassResistance has organized a time and place to protest State Assemblyman Reggie Jones-Sawyer:
District Office:
Administrative Offices West
700 Exposition Park Drive
Los Angeles CA 90037
Tel: (213) 744-2111
Fax: (213) 744-2122
August 26th, 2016 $ 4:30pm
For more information, please contact Arthur Schaper:
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