The Progressive capital of the world, Wisconsin, just witnessed the recall victory of Republican Governor and Tea Party favorite Scott Walker, who took the bold yet unpopular move to curb the collective bargaining rights of the public sector unions, and in the state where the movement to organize public workers had originated.

President Obama has been one of the most progressive presidents in modern U.S. History. His policies are so unpopular, his attempts to expand the role of government have instigated a resounding backlash from all segments of the country. Even black voters, taken up in the sway of colorized "Hope and Change" rhetoric are adopting values and positions contrary to the professed and elitist liberalism of the first "minority" president in U.S History.

And now, in Ohio, one of the most liberal and outspoken of progressive Congressmen has lost his reeletion bid to stay in the House of Representatives, even dismissing the option of carpet-bagging to a left-leaning open seat in Washington State.

"Boy Mayor" and two-time presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich has conceded defeat  to more stable stalwart Marcy Kaptur. In a final fit of defiance, Kucinich accused his intrparty rival of of running "a campaign lacking integrity, filled with false truths."

The dichotomy of "false truths" characterizes the essence and folly of progressivism, one in which elite politicians insist that they know what is best for the voter, only to propose policies and legislation which are the worst for economic recovery, individual liberty, and constitutional rule.

President Bill Clinton declared midway in his presidency that "The Era of Big Government is over." With the downfall of Kucinich, and very likely the repudiation of Barack Obama in November, the United States will also declare: "The Era of liberal-statist Progressivism has come to an end."

And not a moment too soon!

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