While the mainstream media is getting steamed up about
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s lack of a college education (President Obama
has one, and yet what good has it served this country?), or the fact that he
delayed signing off on right-to-work (a fast-track bill is now ready, and
Walker has announced his support and signature, as he had before), the
Wisconsin residents, and the country as a whole, should take a longer look at
US Senator Tammy Baldwin.

Following the reports of secret waitlists in Veterans
hospitals throughout the country, President Obama tendered the resignation of
Secretary of VA Affairs Eric Shinseki. President Obama should have also
resigned, or at least investigated and implemented rigorous reforms. Our nation’s
veterans deserve respect and honor, not neglect and incompetence. The voters
did what Obama refused to do, and change the leadership in the US Senate as
well solidified Republican opposition in the House.

Then there’s
Senator Baldwin
, who supposedly did nothing after receiving reports that
the Tomah Veterans Affairs Medical Center was overmedicating patients. Other
reports indicate that Baldwin forced out one of her staffers in order to cover
up her ( and perhaps the Obama Administration’s) inaction on this severe, gross
medical malpractice. The firing of this staffer, included a generous severance
package and a confidentiality agreement.

While President Obama and his party claimed the standard of
transparency, watchdog groups and conservative media have provided the full
story on their scandals. The Wisconsin press should press for more answers from

Senator Baldwin has some 'splainin' to do.


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