President Obama is relentless in his gun control.

Following his hollow tear-fest demanding action on firearms (instead of prosecuting the criminals who misuse firearms are dealing with mental illness), Republican Presidential candidates blasted the President on Twitter:

Jeb Bush:

We’re at war and @POTUS is focused on more gun control. I’ll protect the 2nd Amendment & take the fight to ISIS.

— Jeb Bush (@JebBush) January 8, 2016

Pretty weak tea, but still much better than what we have in the White House.

The former Governor of Arkansas (the one not married to Hillary), linked two cultural issues, and shot down Occupant Obama on both:

.@BarackObama You say if we can save one life we should. Well, apply 5th & 14th amendments to the unborn & save 4,000 lives a day. #ProLife

— Gov. Mike Huckabee (@GovMikeHuckabee) January 5, 2016

Carly picked up on the enforcement issue. 

Another lawless, unconstitutional overreach. The 2nd Amendment is an individual right. Mr. President, how about enforcing the laws we have?

— Carly Fiorina (@CarlyFiorina) January 5, 2016

Liberals are obsessed with writing and passing laws, but refuse to enforce them, a lot like indulgent parents who refuse to discipline their children.

Dr. Ben called out President Obama's agenda:

The President's actions have everything to do with advancing his political agenda & little to do with actually protecting American citizens.

— Dr. Ben Carson (@RealBenCarson) January 5, 2016

And of course, Hillary Clinton praised her former employer, whom she wishes to emulate (fat chance):

Thank you, @POTUS, for taking a crucial step forward on gun violence. Our next president has to build on that progress—not rip it away. -H

— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) January 5, 2016

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