Today's economists savage the prodigal Republicans of the Bush Administration who never let a crisis go to waste. Exploiting 9-11 to expand the military-industrial complex, Big Government is taking up home on land without security or coordination to face foreign and domestic threats.

Yet a third term of President Bush would not be thrusting this nation toward fiscal insolvency. Still, rather than answering the non sequitur question "Miss me yet?" posed by the wide-grinning former President on billboards across the country, this nation needs a President dedicated to upholding the Constitution of the United States, who will not shirk at the responsibility to veto popular bills laden with pork-barrel spending without reforming entitlements.

This nations needs an executive who will steer Washington back to its constitutionally outlined powers. President Obama was the change that this country never needed, no matter how fiscally unsustainable the Bush years may have been. Barack Obama, the philosopher-academic and out-of-touch elitist, is content to throw worse money after bad, refusing to save our rapidly devalued currency or forestall economic disaster.

There must be a leader out there who is willing to resist party and populist sentiment to do what is necessary and proper for this country, nothing more.

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