The Los Angeles County Republican Party Central Committee is corrupted and defunct.

But the Republican and conservative activists are rising up and taking back our party.

As for the Los Angeles County Democratic Party, they are falling apart from within.

They can't even get credible leadership at this time.

Darren Parker, the state assembly candidate who ran against Tom Lackey–and lost–was supposed to run for LACDP chair, now that Eric Bauman is the (embattled) chairman of the entire state Democratic Party.

But what is this?

He is dropping out!

Greetings LACDP Family,

My plan was to spend the next few weeks engaging in an exciting campaign to become your next LA County Chair. Unfortunately, as some of you have already learned, life sometimes has other plans. 

Is there a criminal investigation in the works? Did he do something wrong?

I would like to inform everyone that Parker was working for Speaker Anthony Rendon.

And nobody in the California Democratic Party grassroots likes Speaker Rendon. They see him as the very corporate shill which Bernie Sanders and all the other progressives have been fighting hard against.

Parker is part of the Democratic Party establishment, and the grassroots in the state of California are tired of getting kicked in the teeth by the party bosses who lined their pockets and solidify their power at the expense of working people.

After much discussion with my family, my committee, and numerous others. I have decided to remove my name from consideration for the future vacated position as LACDP Chair should it become available.

Bye, Felician!

I am blessed to continue strengthening my region, my district, and most importantly, transforming the 25th Congressional District held by Steve Knight to BLUE.

The fight for Steve Knight's seat has gone from bad to worse for the Democratic Party.

As much as Republican grassroots have found Congressman Knight's dithering on key issues frustrating, he is still very popular with the widespread number of voters and constituents in the district.

The truth is that the Democratic Party candidates are too liberal and way too out of touch with the needs of the district. One of the Democratic Congressional candidates actually admitted that she could not openly support single-payer health care.

She refused, and even the Los Angeles Times had to report her double-dealing.


I can't express how humbling the overwhelming show of support from so many delegates, elected officials,organizations has been in supporting my candidacy for LACDP Chair. Thank you for that vote of confidence.

There was not enough support for him to win, though, especially with his connections to the corrupt Speaker Anthony Rendon!

Most importantly, I want to heartfully thank the best committee ever!  The Co Chairs of the Darren Parker for LACDP Chair Committee, Anna Soto – 63rd AD Chair, Barbara Calhoun – 64th AD Vice Chair, along with Mary Zavala, Joshua Lopez, Lizet Angulo-Kimbrew, Minerva and Todd Williams have done exceptional work in supporting my candidacy!

Moving forward,
Hon. Darren W. Parker, Chair
CDP, African American Caucus 

Final Reflection

The Democratic Party is not the united front which the media and their establishment handlers claim them to be.

They have terrible infighting, which is now spilling out into the public. The press can no longer put a lid on stopping all the hate. The Kimberly Ellis-Eric Bauman debacle exposes how corrupt the fight has become. The Democratic Party grassroots are even leaving the party in large numbers, they are so fed up with being taken for a ride, then dumped after Election Day.

Darren Parker's downfall as LACDP is more proof of this fight.

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