I never thought I would read a conservative-leaning columnist support Prop 29

Despite the fact that the tax will only affect cigarette smokers directly, do we really need to increase the tax burden in this state for anyone?

Smoking is bad. We all know this. However, R\raising the tax to purchase a pack of cigarettes will not stop people from smoking, as much as it will either fund an underground black market of trade or worse.

The proposition has too many flaws. The state of California is dealing with immense budget deficits, an out-of-touch political class, and unhealthful business climate which is stifling development and job growth. Voters need to send a loud and clear message to Sacramento: we want less government altogether. Even the most humanitarian of motives — cancer research — does not justify a billion-dollar boondoggle funded by taxes.

No more ballot-box budgeting, no more taxation for salvation. Vote "No" on Prop 29.

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