After suspending his campaign, Governor Rick Perry chose to endorse former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, a motley-colored conservative who has left many suspecting whether he can lead the GOP into a fighting chance against the current president.

Perry's endorsement may be Pyrrhic, however, considering that, like Utah Governor Jon Huntsman, Perry did not command a significant following from the dwindling supporters who still stuck to his campaign.

Perry called Gingrich "a conservative visionary who can transform our country."
The previous elected chief executive was also a visionary, and his dreams of a larger state have become a nightmare for the American People.

Newt Gingrich is an unstable man. He cheated on his first two wives with their replacement. He took money from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. He has demonstrated questionable leadership. Many of his former colleagues in the House and the Senate, including Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn, do not support a Gingrich nomination.

A Presidential candidate who had no qualms about sitting with Nancy Pelosi on the "global-warming" crisis has no business representing the GOP in November 2012.

If anything else, Rick Perry did more damage to himself endorsing the chameleon of the House the actually boosting the former House Speaker's candidacy.

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