Peggy Noonan is happy now.

Noonan Now is Happy

Her previous rant against the National GOP and their presidential nominee was enough to get them fired up and fighting mad.

Romney was crashing and burning, according to the former Reagan speech writer. His flubs in private meetings, the lack of passion for the race and compassion for the rest was starting to jade the electorate. President Obama's fiscal and domestic policies have been failing this country for the past four years, yet the challenger was still struggling out of the two-to-three point doldrums against the Chicago-based pol.

Then the lightning rod — the Wednesday debate between a subdued and duly subtracted President and a fired-up incumbent. Romney had energy, panache, a command for the facts and the figures, neither of which figure well for the President, who must face the fact that he has done a poor job, with no record to run on besides "Blame Bush!" and "Give me four more years!"

Romney is not just a choice, but The Alternative. The race is now getting interesting. Senatorial candidates are polling better now than they had about a month ago. Romney is creeping ahead of Obama in Virginia and Florida, although Ohio still remains a toss-up.

Peggy is happy now, and so am I, and so is the rest of the country, I am sure.

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